Source code for scglue.genomics

Genomics operations

import collections
import os
import re
from ast import literal_eval
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain, product
from operator import add
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Mapping, Optional, Union

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pybedtools
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.stats
from anndata import AnnData
from networkx.algorithms.bipartite import biadjacency_matrix
from pybedtools import BedTool
from pybedtools.cbedtools import Interval
from statsmodels.stats.multitest import fdrcorrection
from import tqdm

from .check import check_deps
from .graph import compose_multigraph, reachable_vertices
from .typehint import RandomState
from .utils import ConstrainedDataFrame, logged, get_rs

[docs]class Bed(ConstrainedDataFrame): r""" BED format data frame """ COLUMNS = pd.Index([ "chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "name", "score", "strand", "thickStart", "thickEnd", "itemRgb", "blockCount", "blockSizes", "blockStarts" ])
[docs] @classmethod def rectify(cls, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: df = super(Bed, cls).rectify(df) COLUMNS = cls.COLUMNS.copy(deep=True) for item in COLUMNS: if item in df: if item in ("chromStart", "chromEnd"): df[item] = df[item].astype(int) else: df[item] = df[item].astype(str) elif item not in ("chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd"): df[item] = "." else: raise ValueError(f"Required column {item} is missing!") return df.loc[:, COLUMNS]
[docs] @classmethod def verify(cls, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: super(Bed, cls).verify(df) if len(df.columns) != len(cls.COLUMNS) or np.any(df.columns != cls.COLUMNS): raise ValueError("Invalid BED format!")
[docs] @classmethod def read_bed(cls, fname: os.PathLike) -> "Bed": r""" Read BED file Parameters ---------- fname BED file Returns ------- bed Loaded :class:`Bed` object """ COLUMNS = cls.COLUMNS.copy(deep=True) loaded = pd.read_csv(fname, sep="\t", header=None, comment="#") loaded.columns = COLUMNS[:loaded.shape[1]] return cls(loaded)
[docs] def write_bed(self, fname: os.PathLike, ncols: Optional[int] = None) -> None: r""" Write BED file Parameters ---------- fname BED file ncols Number of columns to write (by default write all columns) """ if ncols and ncols < 3: raise ValueError("`ncols` must be larger than 3!") df = self.df.iloc[:, :ncols] if ncols else self df.to_csv(fname, sep="\t", header=False, index=False)
[docs] def to_bedtool(self) -> pybedtools.BedTool: r""" Convert to a :class:`pybedtools.BedTool` object Returns ------- bedtool Converted :class:`pybedtools.BedTool` object """ return BedTool(Interval( row["chrom"], row["chromStart"], row["chromEnd"], name=row["name"], score=row["score"], strand=row["strand"] ) for _, row in self.iterrows())
[docs] def nucleotide_content(self, fasta: os.PathLike) -> pd.DataFrame: r""" Compute nucleotide content in the BED regions Parameters ---------- fasta Genomic sequence file in FASTA format Returns ------- nucleotide_stat Data frame containing nucleotide content statistics for each region """ result = self.to_bedtool().nucleotide_content(fi=os.fspath(fasta), s=True) # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg result = pd.DataFrame( np.stack([interval.fields[6:15] for interval in result]), columns=[ r"%AT", r"%GC", r"#A", r"#C", r"#G", r"#T", r"#N", r"#other", r"length" ] ).astype({ r"%AT": float, r"%GC": float, r"#A": int, r"#C": int, r"#G": int, r"#T": int, r"#N": int, r"#other": int, r"length": int }) pybedtools.cleanup() return result
[docs] def strand_specific_start_site(self) -> "Bed": r""" Convert to strand-specific start sites of genomic features Returns ------- start_site_bed A new :class:`Bed` object, containing strand-specific start sites of the current :class:`Bed` object """ if set(self["strand"]) != set(["+", "-"]): raise ValueError("Not all features are strand specific!") df = pd.DataFrame(self, copy=True) pos_strand = df.query("strand == '+'").index neg_strand = df.query("strand == '-'").index df.loc[pos_strand, "chromEnd"] = df.loc[pos_strand, "chromStart"] + 1 df.loc[neg_strand, "chromStart"] = df.loc[neg_strand, "chromEnd"] - 1 return type(self)(df)
[docs] def strand_specific_end_site(self) -> "Bed": r""" Convert to strand-specific end sites of genomic features Returns ------- end_site_bed A new :class:`Bed` object, containing strand-specific end sites of the current :class:`Bed` object """ if set(self["strand"]) != set(["+", "-"]): raise ValueError("Not all features are strand specific!") df = pd.DataFrame(self, copy=True) pos_strand = df.query("strand == '+'").index neg_strand = df.query("strand == '-'").index df.loc[pos_strand, "chromStart"] = df.loc[pos_strand, "chromEnd"] - 1 df.loc[neg_strand, "chromEnd"] = df.loc[neg_strand, "chromStart"] + 1 return type(self)(df)
[docs] def expand( self, upstream: int, downstream: int, chr_len: Optional[Mapping[str, int]] = None ) -> "Bed": r""" Expand genomic features towards upstream and downstream Parameters ---------- upstream Number of bps to expand in the upstream direction downstream Number of bps to expand in the downstream direction chr_len Length of each chromosome Returns ------- expanded_bed A new :class:`Bed` object, containing expanded features of the current :class:`Bed` object Note ---- Starting position < 0 after expansion is always trimmed. Ending position exceeding chromosome length is trimed only if ``chr_len`` is specified. """ if upstream == downstream == 0: return self df = pd.DataFrame(self, copy=True) if upstream == downstream: # symmetric df["chromStart"] -= upstream df["chromEnd"] += downstream else: # asymmetric if set(df["strand"]) != set(["+", "-"]): raise ValueError("Not all features are strand specific!") pos_strand = df.query("strand == '+'").index neg_strand = df.query("strand == '-'").index if upstream: df.loc[pos_strand, "chromStart"] -= upstream df.loc[neg_strand, "chromEnd"] += upstream if downstream: df.loc[pos_strand, "chromEnd"] += downstream df.loc[neg_strand, "chromStart"] -= downstream df["chromStart"] = np.maximum(df["chromStart"], 0) if chr_len: chr_len = df["chrom"].map(chr_len) df["chromEnd"] = np.minimum(df["chromEnd"], chr_len) return type(self)(df)
[docs]class Gtf(ConstrainedDataFrame): # gffutils is too slow r""" GTF format data frame """ COLUMNS = pd.Index([ "seqname", "source", "feature", "start", "end", "score", "strand", "frame", "attribute" ]) # Additional columns after "attribute" is allowed
[docs] @classmethod def rectify(cls, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: df = super(Gtf, cls).rectify(df) COLUMNS = cls.COLUMNS.copy(deep=True) for item in COLUMNS: if item in df: if item in ("start", "end"): df[item] = df[item].astype(int) else: df[item] = df[item].astype(str) elif item not in ("seqname", "start", "end"): df[item] = "." else: raise ValueError(f"Required column {item} is missing!") return df.sort_index(axis=1, key=cls._column_key)
@classmethod def _column_key(cls, x: pd.Index) -> np.ndarray: x = cls.COLUMNS.get_indexer(x) x[x < 0] = x.max() + 1 # Put additional columns after "attribute" return x
[docs] @classmethod def verify(cls, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: super(Gtf, cls).verify(df) if len(df.columns) < len(cls.COLUMNS) or \ np.any(df.columns[:len(cls.COLUMNS)] != cls.COLUMNS): raise ValueError("Invalid GTF format!")
[docs] @classmethod def read_gtf(cls, fname: os.PathLike) -> "Gtf": r""" Read GTF file Parameters ---------- fname GTF file Returns ------- gtf Loaded :class:`Gtf` object """ COLUMNS = cls.COLUMNS.copy(deep=True) loaded = pd.read_csv(fname, sep="\t", header=None, comment="#") loaded.columns = COLUMNS[:loaded.shape[1]] return cls(loaded)
[docs] def split_attribute(self) -> "Gtf": r""" Extract all attributes from the "attribute" column and append them to existing columns Returns ------- splitted Gtf with splitted attribute columns appended """ pattern = re.compile(r'([^\s]+) "([^"]+)";') splitted = pd.DataFrame.from_records(np.vectorize(lambda x: { key: val for key, val in pattern.findall(x) })(self["attribute"]), index=self.index) if set(self.COLUMNS).intersection(splitted.columns): self.logger.warning( "Splitted attribute names overlap standard GTF fields! " "The standard fields are overwritten!" ) return self.assign(**splitted)
[docs] def to_bed(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Bed: r""" Convert GTF to BED format Parameters ---------- name Specify a column to be converted to the "name" column in bed format, otherwise the "name" column would be filled with "." Returns ------- bed Converted :class:`Bed` object """ bed_df = pd.DataFrame(self, copy=True).loc[ :, ("seqname", "start", "end", "score", "strand") ] bed_df.insert(3, "name", np.repeat( ".", len(bed_df) ) if name is None else self[name]) bed_df["start"] -= 1 # Convert to zero-based bed_df.columns = ( "chrom", "chromStart", "chromEnd", "name", "score", "strand" ) return Bed(bed_df)
[docs]def interval_dist(x: Interval, y: Interval) -> int: r""" Compute distance and relative position between two bed intervals Parameters ---------- x First interval y Second interval Returns ------- dist Signed distance between ``x`` and ``y`` """ if x.chrom != y.chrom: return np.inf * (-1 if x.chrom < y.chrom else 1) if x.start < y.stop and y.start < x.stop: return 0 if x.stop <= y.start: return x.stop - y.start - 1 if y.stop <= x.start: return x.start - y.stop + 1
[docs]def window_graph( left: Union[Bed, str], right: Union[Bed, str], window_size: int, left_sorted: bool = False, right_sorted: bool = False, attr_fn: Optional[Callable[[Interval, Interval, float], Mapping[str, Any]]] = None ) -> nx.MultiDiGraph: r""" Construct a window graph between two sets of genomic features, where features pairs within a window size are connected. Parameters ---------- left First feature set, either a :class:`Bed` object or path to a bed file right Second feature set, either a :class:`Bed` object or path to a bed file window_size Window size (in bp) left_sorted Whether ``left`` is already sorted right_sorted Whether ``right`` is already sorted attr_fn Function to compute edge attributes for connected features, should accept the following three positional arguments: - l: left interval - r: right interval - d: signed distance between the intervals By default no edge attribute is created. Returns ------- graph Window graph """ check_deps("bedtools") if isinstance(left, Bed): pbar_total = len(left) left = left.to_bedtool() else: pbar_total = None left = pybedtools.BedTool(left) if not left_sorted: left = left.sort(stream=True) left = iter(left) # Resumable iterator if isinstance(right, Bed): right = right.to_bedtool() else: right = pybedtools.BedTool(right) if not right_sorted: right = right.sort(stream=True) right = iter(right) # Resumable iterator attr_fn = attr_fn or (lambda l, r, d: {}) if pbar_total is not None: left = tqdm(left, total=pbar_total, desc="window_graph") graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() window = collections.OrderedDict() # Used as ordered set for l in left: for r in list(window.keys()): # Allow remove during iteration d = interval_dist(l, r) if -window_size <= d <= window_size: graph.add_edge(,, **attr_fn(l, r, d)) elif d > window_size: del window[r] else: # dist < -window_size break # No need to expand window else: for r in right: # Resume from last break d = interval_dist(l, r) if -window_size <= d <= window_size: graph.add_edge(,, **attr_fn(l, r, d)) elif d > window_size: continue window[r] = None # Placeholder if d < -window_size: break pybedtools.cleanup() return graph
[docs]def dist_power_decay(x: int) -> float: r""" Distance-based power decay weight, computed as :math:`w = {\left( \frac {d + 1000} {1000} \right)} ^ {-0.75}` Parameters ---------- x Distance (in bp) Returns ------- weight Decaying weight """ return ((x + 1000) / 1000) ** (-0.75)
[docs]@logged def rna_anchored_guidance_graph( rna: AnnData, *others: AnnData, gene_region: str = "combined", promoter_len: int = 2000, extend_range: int = 0, extend_fn: Callable[[int], float] = dist_power_decay, signs: Optional[List[int]] = None, propagate_highly_variable: bool = True, corrupt_rate: float = 0.0, random_state: RandomState = None ) -> nx.MultiDiGraph: r""" Build guidance graph anchored on RNA genes Parameters ---------- rna Anchor RNA dataset *others Other datasets gene_region Defines the genomic region of genes, must be one of ``{"gene_body", "promoter", "combined"}``. promoter_len Defines the length of gene promoters (bp upstream of TSS) extend_range Maximal extend distance beyond gene regions extend_fn Distance-decreasing weight function for the extended regions (by default :func:`dist_power_decay`) signs Sign of edges between RNA genes and features in each ``*others`` dataset, must have the same length as ``*others``. Signs must be one of ``{-1, 1}``. By default, all edges have positive signs of ``1``. propagate_highly_variable Whether to propagate highly variable genes to other datasets, datasets in ``*others`` would be modified in place. corrupt_rate **CAUTION: DO NOT USE**, only for evaluation purpose random_state **CAUTION: DO NOT USE**, only for evaluation purpose Returns ------- graph Prior regulatory graph Note ---- In this function, features in the same dataset can only connect to anchor genes via the same edge sign. For more flexibility, please construct the guidance graph manually. """ signs = signs or [1] * len(others) if len(others) != len(signs): raise RuntimeError("Length of ``others`` and ``signs`` must match!") if set(signs).difference({-1, 1}): raise RuntimeError("``signs`` can only contain {-1, 1}!") rna_bed = Bed(rna.var.assign(name=rna.var_names)) other_beds = [Bed(other.var.assign(name=other.var_names)) for other in others] if gene_region == "promoter": rna_bed = rna_bed.strand_specific_start_site().expand(promoter_len, 0) elif gene_region == "combined": rna_bed = rna_bed.expand(promoter_len, 0) elif gene_region != "gene_body": raise ValueError("Unrecognized `gene_range`!") graphs = [window_graph( rna_bed, other_bed, window_size=extend_range, attr_fn=lambda l, r, d, s=sign: { "dist": abs(d), "weight": extend_fn(abs(d)), "sign": s } ) for other_bed, sign in zip(other_beds, signs)] graph = compose_multigraph(*graphs) corrupt_num = round(corrupt_rate * graph.number_of_edges()) if corrupt_num: rna_anchored_guidance_graph.logger.warning("Corrupting guidance graph!") rs = get_rs(random_state) rna_var_names = rna.var_names.tolist() other_var_names = reduce(add, [other.var_names.tolist() for other in others]) corrupt_remove = set(rs.choice(graph.number_of_edges(), corrupt_num, replace=False)) corrupt_remove = set(edge for i, edge in enumerate(graph.edges) if i in corrupt_remove) corrupt_add = [] while len(corrupt_add) < corrupt_num: corrupt_add += [ (u, v) for u, v in zip( rs.choice(rna_var_names, corrupt_num - len(corrupt_add)), rs.choice(other_var_names, corrupt_num - len(corrupt_add)) ) if not graph.has_edge(u, v) ] graph.add_edges_from([ (add[0], add[1], graph.edges[remove]) for add, remove in zip(corrupt_add, corrupt_remove) ]) graph.remove_edges_from(corrupt_remove) if propagate_highly_variable: hvg_reachable = reachable_vertices(graph, rna.var.query("highly_variable").index) for other in others: other.var["highly_variable"] = [ item in hvg_reachable for item in other.var_names ] rgraph = graph.reverse() nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, "fwd", name="type") nx.set_edge_attributes(rgraph, "rev", name="type") graph = compose_multigraph(graph, rgraph) all_features = set(chain.from_iterable( map(lambda x: x.var_names, [rna, *others]) )) for item in all_features: graph.add_edge(item, item, weight=1.0, sign=1, type="loop") return graph
[docs]def regulatory_inference( features: pd.Index, feature_embeddings: Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]], skeleton: nx.Graph, alternative: str = "two.sided", random_state: RandomState = None ) -> nx.Graph: r""" Regulatory inference based on feature embeddings Parameters ---------- features Feature names feature_embeddings List of feature embeddings from 1 or more models skeleton Skeleton graph alternative Alternative hypothesis, must be one of {"two.sided", "less", "greater"} random_state Random state Returns ------- regulatory_graph Regulatory graph containing regulatory score ("score"), *P*-value ("pval"), *Q*-value ("pval") as edge attributes for feature pairs in the skeleton graph """ if isinstance(feature_embeddings, np.ndarray): feature_embeddings = [feature_embeddings] n_features = set(item.shape[0] for item in feature_embeddings) if len(n_features) != 1: raise ValueError("All feature embeddings must have the same number of rows!") if n_features.pop() != features.shape[0]: raise ValueError("Feature embeddings do not match the number of feature names!") node_idx = features.get_indexer(skeleton.nodes) features = features[node_idx] feature_embeddings = [item[node_idx] for item in feature_embeddings] rs = get_rs(random_state) vperm = np.stack([rs.permutation(item) for item in feature_embeddings], axis=1) vperm = vperm / np.linalg.norm(vperm, axis=-1, keepdims=True) v = np.stack(feature_embeddings, axis=1) v = v / np.linalg.norm(v, axis=-1, keepdims=True) edgelist = nx.to_pandas_edgelist(skeleton) source = features.get_indexer(edgelist["source"]) target = features.get_indexer(edgelist["target"]) fg, bg = [], [] for s, t in tqdm(zip(source, target), total=skeleton.number_of_edges(), desc="regulatory_inference"): fg.append((v[s] * v[t]).sum(axis=1).mean()) bg.append((vperm[s] * vperm[t]).sum(axis=1)) edgelist["score"] = fg bg = np.sort(np.concatenate(bg)) quantile = np.searchsorted(bg, fg) / bg.size if alternative == "two.sided": edgelist["pval"] = 2 * np.minimum(quantile, 1 - quantile) elif alternative == "greater": edgelist["pval"] = 1 - quantile elif alternative == "less": edgelist["pval"] = quantile else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized `alternative`!") edgelist["qval"] = fdrcorrection(edgelist["pval"])[1] return nx.from_pandas_edgelist(edgelist, edge_attr=True, create_using=type(skeleton))
[docs]def cis_regulatory_ranking( gene2region: nx.Graph, region2tf: nx.Graph, genes: List[str], regions: List[str], tfs: List[str], region_lens: Optional[List[int]] = None, n_samples: int = 1000, random_state: RandomState = None ) -> pd.DataFrame: r""" Generate cis-regulatory ranking between genes and transcription factors Parameters ---------- gene2region A graph connecting genes to cis-regulatory regions region2tf A graph connecting cis-regulatory regions to transcription factors genes A list of genes tfs A list of transcription factors regions A list of cis-regulatory regions region_lens Lengths of cis-regulatory regions (if not provided, it is assumed that all regions have the same length) n_samples Number of random samples used to evaluate regulatory enrichment (setting this to 0 disables enrichment evaluation) random_state Random state Returns ------- gene2tf_rank Cis regulatory ranking between genes and transcription factors """ gene2region = biadjacency_matrix(gene2region, genes, regions, dtype=np.int16, weight=None) region2tf = biadjacency_matrix(region2tf, regions, tfs, dtype=np.int16, weight=None) if n_samples: region_lens = [1] * len(regions) if region_lens is None else region_lens if len(region_lens) != len(regions): raise ValueError("`region_lens` must have the same length as `regions`!") region_bins = pd.qcut(region_lens, min(len(set(region_lens)), 500), duplicates="drop") region_bins_lut = pd.RangeIndex(region_bins.size).groupby(region_bins) rs = get_rs(random_state) row, col_rand, data = [], [], [] lil = gene2region.tolil() for r, (c, d) in tqdm( enumerate(zip(lil.rows,, total=len(lil.rows), desc="cis_reg_ranking.sampling" ): if not c: # Empty row continue row.append(np.ones_like(c) * r) col_rand.append(np.stack([ rs.choice(region_bins_lut[region_bins[c_]], n_samples, replace=True) for c_ in c ], axis=0)) data.append(d) row = np.concatenate(row) col_rand = np.concatenate(col_rand) data = np.concatenate(data) gene2tf_obs = (gene2region @ region2tf).toarray() gene2tf_rand = np.empty((len(genes), len(tfs), n_samples), dtype=np.int16) for k in tqdm(range(n_samples), desc="cis_reg_ranking.mapping"): gene2region_rand = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(( data, (row, col_rand[:, k]) ), shape=(len(genes), len(regions))) gene2tf_rand[:, :, k] = (gene2region_rand @ region2tf).toarray() gene2tf_rand.sort(axis=2) gene2tf_enrich = np.empty_like(gene2tf_obs) for i, j in product(range(len(genes)), range(len(tfs))): if gene2tf_obs[i, j] == 0: gene2tf_enrich[i, j] = 0 continue gene2tf_enrich[i, j] = np.searchsorted( gene2tf_rand[i, j, :], gene2tf_obs[i, j], side="right" ) else: gene2tf_enrich = (gene2region @ region2tf).toarray() return pd.DataFrame( scipy.stats.rankdata(-gene2tf_enrich, axis=0), index=genes, columns=tfs )
[docs]def write_scenic_feather( gene2tf_rank: pd.DataFrame, feather: os.PathLike, version: int = 2 ) -> None: r""" Write cis-regulatory ranking to a SCENIC-compatible feather file Parameters ---------- gene2tf_rank Cis regulatory ranking between genes and transcription factors, as generated by :func:`cis_reg_ranking` feather Path to the output feather file version SCENIC feather version """ if version not in {1, 2}: raise ValueError("Unrecognized SCENIC feather version!") if version == 2: suffix = ".genes_vs_tracks.rankings.feather" if not str(feather).endswith(suffix): raise ValueError(f"Feather file name must end with `{suffix}`!") tf2gene_rank = gene2tf_rank.T tf2gene_rank = tf2gene_rank.loc[ np.unique(tf2gene_rank.index), np.unique(tf2gene_rank.columns) ].astype(np.int16) = "features" if version == 1 else "tracks" = None columns = tf2gene_rank.columns.tolist() tf2gene_rank = tf2gene_rank.reset_index() if version == 2: tf2gene_rank = tf2gene_rank.loc[:, [*columns, "tracks"]] tf2gene_rank.to_feather(feather)
[docs]def read_ctx_grn(file: os.PathLike) -> nx.DiGraph: r""" Read pruned TF-target GRN as generated by ``pyscenic ctx`` Parameters ---------- file Input file (.csv) Returns ------- grn Pruned TF-target GRN Note ---- Node attribute "type" can be used to distinguish TFs and genes """ df = pd.read_csv( file, header=None, skiprows=3, usecols=[0, 8], names=["TF", "targets"] ) df["targets"] = df["targets"].map(lambda x: set(i[0] for i in literal_eval(x))) df = df.groupby("TF").aggregate({"targets": lambda x: reduce(set.union, x)}) grn = nx.DiGraph([ (tf, target) for tf, row in df.iterrows() for target in row["targets"]] ) nx.set_node_attributes(grn, "target", name="type") for tf in df.index: grn.nodes[tf]["target"] = "TF" return grn
[docs]def get_chr_len_from_fai(fai: os.PathLike) -> Mapping[str, int]: r""" Get chromosome length information from fasta index file Parameters ---------- fai Fasta index file Returns ------- chr_len Length of each chromosome """ return pd.read_table(fai, header=None, index_col=0)[1].to_dict()
[docs]def ens_trim_version(x: str) -> str: r""" Trim version suffix from Ensembl ID Parameters ---------- x Ensembl ID Returns ------- trimmed Ensembl ID with version suffix trimmed """ return re.sub(r"\.[0-9_-]+$", "", x)
# Aliases read_bed = Bed.read_bed read_gtf = Gtf.read_gtf