Source code for scglue.check

Dependency checking

import importlib
import re
import types
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Optional

from packaging.version import parse

from . import version
from .utils import config, run_command

[docs]class Checker: r""" Checks availability and version of a dependency Parameters ---------- name Name of the dependency vmin Minimal required version install_hint Install hint message to be printed if dependency is unavailable """ def __init__( self, name: str, vmin: Optional[str] = None, install_hint: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: = name self.vmin = parse(vmin) if vmin else vmin vreq = f" (>={self.vmin})" if self.vmin else "" self.vreq_hint = f"This function relies on {}{vreq}." self.install_hint = install_hint
[docs] @abstractmethod def check(self) -> None: r""" Check availability and version """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs]class ModuleChecker(Checker): r""" Checks availability and version of a Python module dependency Parameters ---------- name Name of the dependency vmin Minimal required version install_hint Install hint message to be printed if dependency is unavailable """ def __init__( self, name: str, package_name: Optional[str] = None, vmin: Optional[str] = None, install_hint: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__(name, vmin, install_hint) self.package_name = package_name or name
[docs] def check(self) -> None: try: importlib.import_module( except ModuleNotFoundError as e: raise RuntimeError(" ".join([self.vreq_hint, self.install_hint])) from e v = parse(version(self.package_name)) if self.vmin and v < self.vmin: raise RuntimeError(" ".join([ self.vreq_hint, f"Detected version is {v}.", "Please install a newer version.", self.install_hint ]))
[docs]class CmdChecker(Checker): r""" Checks availability and version of a command line dependency Parameters ---------- name Name of the dependency cmd Command used to check version vregex Regular expression used to extract version from command output vmin Minimal required version install_hint Install hint message to be printed if dependency is unavailable """ def __init__( self, name: str, cmd: str, vregex: str, vmin: Optional[str] = None, install_hint: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: super().__init__(name, vmin=vmin, install_hint=install_hint) self.cmd = cmd self.vregex = vregex
[docs] def check(self) -> None: output_lines = run_command( self.cmd, log_command=False, print_output=False, err_message={ 127: " ".join([self.vreq_hint, self.install_hint]) } ) for output_line in output_lines: v =, output_line) if v: v = parse(v.groups()[0]) break else: v = None if self.vmin and v < self.vmin: raise RuntimeError(" ".join([ self.vreq_hint, f"Detected version is {v}.", "Please install a newer version.", self.install_hint ]))
INSTALL_HINTS = types.SimpleNamespace( bedtools= "You may install bedtools following the guide from " ", " "or use `conda install -c bioconda bedtools` " "if a conda environment is being used.", plotly= "You may install plotly following the guide from " ", " "or use `conda install -c plotly plotly` " "if a conda environment is being used." ) CHECKERS = dict( bedtools=CmdChecker( "bedtools", f"{config.BEDTOOLS_PATH or 'bedtools'} --version", r"v([0-9\.]+)", vmin="2.29.2", install_hint=INSTALL_HINTS.bedtools ), plotly=ModuleChecker( "plotly", vmin=None, install_hint=INSTALL_HINTS.plotly ) )
[docs]def check_deps(*args) -> None: r""" Check whether certain dependencies are installed Parameters ---------- args A list of dependencies to check """ for item in args: CHECKERS[item].check()