Source code for scglue.plot

Plotting functions

from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union

import matplotlib.axes as ma
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import scanpy as sc
import sklearn.metrics
from matplotlib import rcParams

from .check import check_deps

#---------------------------- Global configuration -----------------------------

[docs]def set_publication_params() -> None: r""" Set publication-level figure parameters """ sc.set_figure_params( scanpy=True, dpi_save=600, vector_friendly=True, format="pdf", facecolor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0), transparent=False ) rcParams["savefig.bbox"] = "tight"
#----------------------------------- Generic -----------------------------------
[docs]def sankey( left: List[str], right: List[str], title: str = "Sankey", left_color: Union[str, Callable[[str], str]] = "#E64B35", right_color: Union[str, Callable[[str], str]] = "#4EBBD5", link_color: Union[str, Callable[[pd.Series], str]] = "#CCCCCC", font_family: str = "Arial", font_size: float = 15.0, width: int = 400, height: int = 400, show: bool = True, embed_js: bool = False ) -> dict: r""" Make a sankey diagram Parameters ---------- left Mapping source right Mapping target title Diagram title left_color Color of left nodes, either a single color or a mapping function that returns a color given the node name. right_color Color of right nodes, either a single color or a mapping function that returns a color given the node name. link_color Color of links, either a single color or a mapping function that returns a color given the link info. font_family Font family used for the plot font_size Font size for the plot width Graph width height Graph height show Whether to show interactive figure or only return the figure dict embed_js Whether to embed plotly.js library (only relevant when ``show=True``) Returns ------- fig Figure dict that can be fed to :func:`plotly.offline.iplot` to show an interactive figure, or to :func:`` to produce a static image file. Note ---- If a mapping function is specified for ``link_color``, it should expect a :class:`pd.Series` object as the only argument, which contains the following fields: - left: the left node - right: the right node - value: population size connecting the two nodes """ crosstab = pd.crosstab( pd.Series(left, name="left").astype(str), pd.Series(right, name="right").astype(str) ).reset_index().melt(id_vars=["left"]).sort_values("value") left_idx = pd.Index(np.unique(left)) right_idx = pd.Index(np.unique(right)) left_color = if callable(left_color) \ else [left_color] * left_idx.size right_color = if callable(right_color) \ else [right_color] * right_idx.size link_color = crosstab.apply(link_color, axis=1) if callable(link_color) \ else [link_color] * crosstab.shape[0] sankey_data = dict( type="sankey", node=dict( pad=15, thickness=20, line=dict(color="black", width=0.5), label=np.concatenate([left_idx, right_idx]), color=np.concatenate([left_color, right_color]) ), link=dict( source=left_idx.get_indexer(crosstab["left"]), target=right_idx.get_indexer(crosstab["right"]) + left_idx.size, value=crosstab["value"], color=link_color ) ) sankey_layout = dict( width=width, height=height, plot_bgcolor="rgba(1,1,1,0)", paper_bgcolor="rgba(1,1,1,0)", margin=dict(l=15, r=15, b=15, t=60), font=dict(family=font_family, size=font_size, color="#000000"), title=dict(text=title, x=0.5, xanchor="center", font_size=font_size + 2), ) fig = dict(data=[sankey_data], layout=sankey_layout) if show: check_deps("plotly") import plotly.offline plotly.offline.init_notebook_mode(connected=not embed_js) plotly.offline.iplot(fig) return fig
[docs]def roc( true: np.ndarray, pred: np.ndarray, max_points: int = 500, ax: Optional[ma.Axes] = None, **kwargs ) -> ma.Axes: r""" Plot an ROC curve Parameters ---------- true True labels pred Prediction values max_points Maximal number of points on the ROC curve, beyond which the points are equidistantly subsampled. ax Existing axes to plot on **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`seaborn.lineplot` Returns ------- ax Plot axes """ fpr, tpr, _ = sklearn.metrics.roc_curve(true, pred) idx = np.linspace( 0, fpr.size, min(fpr.size, max_points), endpoint=False ).round().astype(int) idx[-1] = fpr.size - 1 # Always keep the last point data = pd.DataFrame({"FPR": fpr[idx], "TPR": tpr[idx]}) ax = sns.lineplot(x="FPR", y="TPR", data=data, ax=ax, **kwargs) return ax
[docs]def prc( true: np.ndarray, pred: np.ndarray, max_points: int = 500, ax: Optional[ma.Axes] = None, **kwargs ) -> ma.Axes: r""" Plot a precision-recall curve Parameters ---------- true True labels pred Prediction values max_points Maximal number of points on the precision-recall curve, beyond which the points are equidistantly subsampled. ax Existing axes to plot on **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`seaborn.lineplot` Returns ------- ax Plot axes """ prec, rec, _ = sklearn.metrics.precision_recall_curve(true, pred) idx = np.linspace( 0, prec.size, min(prec.size, max_points), endpoint=False ).round().astype(int) idx[-1] = prec.size - 1 # Always keep the last point data = pd.DataFrame({"Precision": prec[idx], "Recall": rec[idx]}) ax = sns.lineplot(x="Recall", y="Precision", data=data, ax=ax, **kwargs) return ax