


import anndata as ad
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scglue
import seaborn as sns
from IPython import display
from matplotlib import rcParams
from networkx.algorithms.bipartite import biadjacency_matrix
from networkx.drawing.nx_agraph import graphviz_layout
rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (4, 4)


首先,读取 第二步 产生的包含细胞和特征嵌入的中间结果。

rna = ad.read_h5ad("rna-emb.h5ad")
atac = ad.read_h5ad("atac-emb.h5ad")
guidance_hvf = nx.read_graphml("guidance-hvf.graphml.gz")

我们将多次使用 BED 格式的基因组坐标,这里将变量名称作为“name”列存储会更方便。

rna.var["name"] = rna.var_names
atac.var["name"] = atac.var_names


genes = rna.var.query("highly_variable").index
peaks = atac.var.query("highly_variable").index




features = pd.Index(np.concatenate([rna.var_names, atac.var_names]))
feature_embeddings = np.concatenate([rna.varm["X_glue"], atac.varm["X_glue"]])


  • 调控得分被定义为特征嵌入间的余弦相似度,余弦相似度是对称的,因此我们只选择RNA基因和ATAC峰之间的一个方向来避免重复计算。

  • 自环也被忽略,因为目前的模型不能有意义地反应自调控。

skeleton = guidance_hvf.edge_subgraph(
    e for e, attr in dict(guidance_hvf.edges).items()
    if attr["type"] == "fwd"

调控推断可以使用 scglue.genomics.regulatory_inference 函数来进行,该函数接受特征索引和嵌入作为输入,并且使用上面生成的骨架图。


  • "score":基因组特征间的调控得分,定义为特征嵌入间的余弦相似度;

  • "pval":调控得分的*P*值,通过与随机打乱特征嵌入得到的调控得分NULL分布比较得到;

  • "qval":调控得分的*Q*值,通过FDR修正*P*值得到。

reginf = scglue.genomics.regulatory_inference(
    features, feature_embeddings,
    skeleton=skeleton, random_state=0

可以根据边属性(Q值 < 0.05)提取显著的调控关系。

gene2peak = reginf.edge_subgraph(
    e for e, attr in dict(reginf.edges).items()
    if attr["qval"] < 0.05



推断的顺式调控关系可以用 pyGenomeTracks 来可视化。你可以通过以下命令安装 pyGenomeTracks

conda install -c bioconda pygenometracks

在画图之前,我们需要为 pygenometracks 命令准备输入文件。


scglue.genomics.Bed(atac.var).write_bed("peaks.bed", ncols=3)
    "gene2peak.links", keep_attrs=["score"]

接着准备一个轨道配置文件,如下所示(详细信息请参考他们的 文档):

%%writefile tracks.ini

file = gene2peak.links
title = Score
height = 2
color = YlGnBu
compact_arcs_level = 2
use_middle = True
file_type = links

file = peaks.bed
title = ATAC
display = collapsed
border_color = none
labels = False
file_type = bed

file = gencode.vM25.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf.gz
title = Genes
prefered_name = gene_name
height = 4
merge_transcripts = True
labels = True
max_labels = 100
all_labels_inside = True
style = UCSC
file_type = gtf

fontsize = 12
Writing tracks.ini

最后,我们可以调用 pygenometracks 命令在一个合适的基因组范围内(例如*Gad2*基因周围区域)可视化推断的顺式调控关系:

loc = rna.var.loc["Gad2"]
chrom = loc["chrom"]
chromLen = loc["chromEnd"] - loc["chromStart"]
chromStart = loc["chromStart"] - chromLen
chromEnd = loc["chromEnd"] + chromLen
!pyGenomeTracks --tracks tracks.ini \
    --region {chrom}:{chromStart}-{chromEnd} \
    --outFileName tracks.png 2> /dev/null

需要注意的是,在本教程中,指导图简单地使用了基因组重叠(请参考 第一步),所以推断的调控关系也仅限于近端启动子和基因本体区。

在实际的分析中,扩大基因组范围(例如,使用TSS上下游150kb随距离衰减加权)或者引入如Hi-C和eQTL的其他调控证据将是有益的(请参考我们的 案例研究)。


接着,我们将演示如何将GLUE推断的顺式调控区域与TF motif/ChIP-seq信息结合来构建TF-靶基因调控图。具体来说,我们采用的是 SCENIC pipeline,分为以下三个步骤:

  1. 使用 GRNBoost2 生成一个共表达网络;

  2. 结合顺式调控区域和TF motif/ChIP-seq数据生成顺式调控排序;

  3. 使用 cisTarget 基于上述顺式调控排序修剪共表达网络。


conda install -c conda-forge pyarrow cytoolz
pip install pyscenic

对于人和小鼠,第二步使用的TF motif/ChIP-seq数据可以从这里下载:

JASPAR motif结合:


原始调控推断流程参见 pySCENIC



首先,生成一个可用的TF列表,我们使用被scRNA-seq数据和TF motif/ChIP-seq数据同时覆盖的TF。

由于ENCODE ChIP-seq覆盖了非常少的小鼠TF,我们在本教程中将使用JASPAR motif结合数据:

motif_bed = scglue.genomics.read_bed("JASPAR2022-mm10.bed.gz")
chrom chromStart chromEnd name score strand thickStart thickEnd itemRgb blockCount blockSizes blockStarts
0 GL456210.1 159 171 Zbtb6 . . . . . . . .
1 GL456210.1 242 253 Osr2 . . . . . . . .
2 GL456210.1 266 278 Pou2f3 . . . . . . . .
3 GL456210.1 505 517 Eomes . . . . . . . .
4 GL456210.1 507 516 Tbr1 . . . . . . . .
tfs = pd.Index(motif_bed["name"]).intersection(rna.var_names)

由于pySCENIC CLI使用的是 loom 文件作为输入,我们需要将scRNA-seq数据保存为一个 loom 文件(只包含高可变基因和TF),我们也需要将TF列表保存为一个单独的 txt 文件。

rna[:, np.union1d(genes, tfs)].write_loom("rna.loom")
np.savetxt("tfs.txt", tfs, fmt="%s")
The loom file will lack these fields:
{'X_umap', 'X_pca', 'X_glue', 'PCs'}
Use write_obsm_varm=True to export multi-dimensional annotations

使用命令 pyscenic grn 来生成一个共表达网络。

!pyscenic grn rna.loom tfs.txt \
    -o draft_grn.csv --seed 0 --num_workers 20 \
    --cell_id_attribute cells --gene_attribute genes

2022-08-12 12:30:12,903 - pyscenic.cli.pyscenic - INFO - Loading expression matrix.

2022-08-12 12:30:13,236 - pyscenic.cli.pyscenic - INFO - Inferring regulatory networks.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
Numba: Attempted to fork from a non-main thread, the TBB library may be in an invalid state in the child process.
preparing dask client
parsing input
creating dask graph
20 partitions
computing dask graph
not shutting down client, client was created externally

2022-08-12 12:34:03,906 - pyscenic.cli.pyscenic - INFO - Writing results to file.



我们使用 scglue.genomics.window_graph 函数扫描基因组来连接ATAC峰与TF motif结合位点,这将需要一些时间(~1小时)。

peak_bed = scglue.genomics.Bed(atac.var.loc[peaks])
peak2tf = scglue.genomics.window_graph(peak_bed, motif_bed, 0, right_sorted=True)
peak2tf = peak2tf.edge_subgraph(e for e in peak2tf.edges if e[1] in tfs)


我们可以使用 scglue.genomics.cis_regulatory_ranking 函数来将gene-peak和peak-TF连接合并为一个gene-TF顺式调控排序。由于每个基因可以连接到不同数量、长度的ATAC峰,合并的基因-TF连接不是直接可比的。因此,该函数将观察到的连接与(根据峰长度分层)随机采样的连接进行比较,以评估其富集程度,然后用于排序每个TF的调控基因。

gene2tf_rank_glue = scglue.genomics.cis_regulatory_ranking(
    gene2peak, peak2tf, genes, peaks, tfs,
    region_lens=atac.var.loc[peaks, "chromEnd"] - atac.var.loc[peaks, "chromStart"],
gene2tf_rank_glue.iloc[:5, :5]
/rd2/user/caozj/GLUE/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scglue/genomics.py:724: FutureWarning: biadjacency_matrix will return a scipy.sparse array instead of a matrix in NetworkX 3.0
  gene2region = biadjacency_matrix(gene2region, genes, regions, dtype=np.int16, weight=None)
/rd2/user/caozj/GLUE/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scglue/genomics.py:725: FutureWarning: biadjacency_matrix will return a scipy.sparse array instead of a matrix in NetworkX 3.0
  region2tf = biadjacency_matrix(region2tf, regions, tfs, dtype=np.int16, weight=None)
Zbtb6 Osr2 Pou2f3 Eomes Tbr1
0610009B22Rik 1193.5 1211.0 1155.5 1115.5 1098.5
1110002J07Rik 1193.5 1211.0 1155.5 1115.5 1098.5
1110006O24Rik 1193.5 1211.0 1155.5 1115.5 1098.5
1110020A21Rik 1193.5 1211.0 1155.5 1115.5 1098.5
1110060G06Rik 1193.5 1211.0 1155.5 1115.5 1098.5




我们再次使用 scglue.genomics.window_graph 函数扫描基因组来连接TSS周围的近端启动子区域(-500到+500bp)与TF motif结合位点,在结果图中近端启动子区域的命名与相应基因一致。

flank_bed = scglue.genomics.Bed(rna.var.loc[genes]).strand_specific_start_site().expand(500, 500)
flank2tf = scglue.genomics.window_graph(flank_bed, motif_bed, 0, right_sorted=True)

与上一章节相同,我们使用 scglue.genomics.cis_regulatory_ranking 函数来生成一个补充的顺式调控排序,与之前的排序有如下的差异:

  • 基因-峰连接被替换为基因-近端启动子连接,因为每个TSS周围的近端启动子区域与其对应的基因具有相同的名称,所以基因-近端启动子连接图就是一个自环图;

  • 由于每个基因有且仅有一个长度相同的近端启动子区域,因此无需通过分层随机抽样评估TF富集,我们将 n_samples 设为0以跳过采样过程。

gene2flank = nx.Graph([(g, g) for g in genes])
gene2tf_rank_supp = scglue.genomics.cis_regulatory_ranking(
    gene2flank, flank2tf, genes, genes, tfs,
gene2tf_rank_supp.iloc[:5, :5]
/rd2/user/caozj/GLUE/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scglue/genomics.py:724: FutureWarning: biadjacency_matrix will return a scipy.sparse array instead of a matrix in NetworkX 3.0
  gene2region = biadjacency_matrix(gene2region, genes, regions, dtype=np.int16, weight=None)
/rd2/user/caozj/GLUE/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scglue/genomics.py:725: FutureWarning: biadjacency_matrix will return a scipy.sparse array instead of a matrix in NetworkX 3.0
  region2tf = biadjacency_matrix(region2tf, regions, tfs, dtype=np.int16, weight=None)
Zbtb6 Osr2 Pou2f3 Eomes Tbr1
0610009B22Rik 1087.5 1053.5 1026.0 1016.5 1018.5
1110002J07Rik 1087.5 1053.5 1026.0 1016.5 1018.5
1110006O24Rik 1087.5 1053.5 1026.0 1016.5 1018.5
1110020A21Rik 1087.5 1053.5 1026.0 1016.5 1018.5
1110060G06Rik 1087.5 1053.5 1026.0 1016.5 1018.5




  • 一个或多个包含顺式调控排序的 feather 文件;

  • 一个将顺式调控排序文件中的列名映射到TF名的 tsv 注释文件。


gene2tf_rank_glue.columns = gene2tf_rank_glue.columns + "_glue"
gene2tf_rank_supp.columns = gene2tf_rank_supp.columns + "_supp"

我们可以使用 scglue.genomics.write_scenic_feather 函数将顺式调控排序保存为与兼容 pySCENIC 兼容的 feather 文件。

scglue.genomics.write_scenic_feather(gene2tf_rank_glue, "glue.genes_vs_tracks.rankings.feather")
scglue.genomics.write_scenic_feather(gene2tf_rank_supp, "supp.genes_vs_tracks.rankings.feather")


        "#motif_id": tfs + "_glue",
        "gene_name": tfs
        "#motif_id": tfs + "_supp",
        "gene_name": tfs
).to_csv("ctx_annotation.tsv", sep="\t", index=False)

我们现在可以使用pySCENIC命令 pyscenic ctx 来修剪共表达网络(这里 rank_threshold 根据高可变基因的数量等比缩小):

!pyscenic ctx draft_grn.csv \
    glue.genes_vs_tracks.rankings.feather \
    supp.genes_vs_tracks.rankings.feather \
    --annotations_fname ctx_annotation.tsv \
    --expression_mtx_fname rna.loom \
    --output pruned_grn.csv \
    --rank_threshold 500 --min_genes 1 \
    --num_workers 20 \
    --cell_id_attribute cells --gene_attribute genes 2> /dev/null
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 35.40 s

得到修剪后的网络可以使用 scglue.genomics.read_ctx_grn 函数读取为一个networkx图:

grn = scglue.genomics.read_ctx_grn("pruned_grn.csv")




rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 10)
nx.draw(grn, graphviz_layout(grn), with_labels=True)

您也可以将此图(比如以 graphml 格式)导出到诸如 CytoscapeGephi 等其他软件以进行更多的自定义调整。

nx.write_graphml(grn, "pruned_grn.graphml.gz")


  1. 在构建引导图时扩展基因组范围(比如TSS上下游150kb内距离衰减加权),并引入像Hi-C和eQTL这样的额外调控证据(参见我们的 案例研究);

  2. 增加高可变基因数(比如增加到4000或6000)以将更多基因纳入到分析当中。