Source code for scglue.models.scclue

Concat/cross-linked unified embedding (CLUE) for single-cell multi-omics
data integration


# pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring, missing-function-docstring

import collections
import copy
import os
from abc import abstractmethod
from itertools import chain
from math import ceil
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, NoReturn, Optional, Tuple

import ignite
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torch.distributions as D
import torch.nn.functional as F
from anndata import AnnData

from ..num import EPS
from ..utils import config, get_chained_attr, logged
from .base import Model, Trainer, TrainingPlugin
from .data import AnnDataset, DataLoader
from .nn import autodevice
from .plugins import EarlyStopping, LRScheduler, Tensorboard
from .prob import MSE, RMSE, ZILN, ZIN
from .sc import Prior

AUTO = -1  # Flag for using automatically determined hyperparameters

#----------------------------- Network components ------------------------------

[docs]@logged class Transferrable(torch.nn.Module): r""" Mixin class for transferrable weights """
[docs] def transfer_weights_from(self, other: "Transferrable") -> None: r""" Transfer weights from another module Parameters ---------- other Module to transfer weight from """ for key, target in chain(self.named_parameters(), self.named_buffers()): source = get_chained_attr(other, key) if isinstance(target, torch.nn.Parameter): target = if isinstance(source, torch.nn.Parameter): source = source =, dtype=target.dtype) target.copy_(source)"Copied: %s", key)
[docs]@logged class BatchedTransferrable(Transferrable): r""" Mixin class for transferrable weights containing expandable batch-specific weights at the end of second dimension """ @property def batches(self) -> List[str]: r""" List of batch labels """ return self._batches @batches.setter def batches(self, batches: List[str]) -> None: self._batches = batches @property def batched_weights(self) -> List[str]: r""" List of batch-specific weights """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def transfer_weights_from(self, other: "BatchedTransferrable") -> None: if (len(self.batches) == 0) != (len(other.batches) == 0): raise RuntimeError( "Batches of the two discriminators should be either " "both empty or both non-empty!" ) for key, target in chain(self.named_parameters(), self.named_buffers()): source = get_chained_attr(other, key) if isinstance(target, torch.nn.Parameter): target = if isinstance(source, torch.nn.Parameter): source = source =, dtype=target.dtype) if key in self.batched_weights and len(self.batches): target[:, :-len(self.batches)].copy_(source[:, :-len(other.batches)]) target = target[:, -len(self.batches):] source = source[:, -len(other.batches):] index = pd.Index(self.batches).get_indexer(other.batches) mask = index >= 0 source = source[:, mask] index = torch.as_tensor( index[mask], device=target.device ).expand_as(source) target.scatter_(dim=1, index=index, src=source) else: target.copy_(source)"Copied: %s", key)
[docs]class ElementDataEncoder(Transferrable): def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, h_depth: int = 2, h_dim: int = 256, dropout: float = 0.2 ) -> None: super().__init__() self.h_depth = h_depth ptr_dim = in_features for layer in range(self.h_depth): setattr(self, f"linear_{layer}", torch.nn.Linear(ptr_dim, h_dim)) setattr(self, f"act_{layer}", torch.nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2)) setattr(self, f"bn_{layer}", torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(h_dim)) setattr(self, f"dropout_{layer}", torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout)) ptr_dim = h_dim self.loc = torch.nn.Linear(ptr_dim, out_features) self.std_lin = torch.nn.Linear(ptr_dim, out_features)
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: ptr = x for layer in range(self.h_depth): ptr = getattr(self, f"linear_{layer}")(ptr) ptr = getattr(self, f"act_{layer}")(ptr) ptr = getattr(self, f"bn_{layer}")(ptr) ptr = getattr(self, f"dropout_{layer}")(ptr) loc = self.loc(ptr) std = F.softplus(self.std_lin(ptr)) + EPS return loc, std
[docs]class CompositeDataEncoder(Transferrable): def __init__( self, in_features: int, in_raw_features: int, out_features: int, n_modalities: int, h_depth: int = 2, h_dim: int = 256, dropout: float = 0.2 ) -> None: super().__init__() self.encoders = torch.nn.ModuleList([ ElementDataEncoder( in_features, out_features, h_depth=h_depth, h_dim=h_dim, dropout=dropout ) for _ in range(n_modalities) ])
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute_l(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def normalize( self, x: torch.Tensor, l: Optional[torch.Tensor] ) -> torch.Tensor: raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] def forward( self, x: torch.Tensor, xrep: torch.Tensor, lazy_normalizer: bool = True ) -> Tuple[D.Normal, Optional[torch.Tensor]]: if xrep.numel(): l = None if lazy_normalizer else self.compute_l(x) ptr = xrep else: l = self.compute_l(x) ptr = self.normalize(x, l) locs, stds = zip(*(encoder(ptr) for encoder in self.encoders)) loc =, dim=1) std =, dim=1) return D.Normal(loc, std), l
[docs]class VanillaCompositeDataEncoder(CompositeDataEncoder):
[docs] def compute_l(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: return None
[docs] def normalize( self, x: torch.Tensor, l: Optional[torch.Tensor] ) -> torch.Tensor: return x
[docs]class NBCompositeDataEncoder(CompositeDataEncoder): TOTAL_COUNT = 1e4 def __init__( self, in_features: int, in_raw_features: int, out_features: int, n_modalities: int, h_depth: int = 2, h_dim: int = 256, dropout: float = 0.2 ) -> None: super().__init__( in_features, in_raw_features, out_features, n_modalities, h_depth=h_depth, h_dim=h_dim, dropout=dropout ) self.est_l = torch.nn.Linear(in_raw_features, n_modalities)
[docs] def compute_l(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> Optional[torch.Tensor]: return F.relu(self.est_l(x))
[docs] def normalize( self, x: torch.Tensor, l: Optional[torch.Tensor] ) -> torch.Tensor: return (x * (self.TOTAL_COUNT / x.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True))).log1p()
[docs]class DataDecoder(BatchedTransferrable): def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, batches: Optional[List[str]] = None, h_depth: int = 2, h_dim: int = 256, dropout: float = 0.2 ) -> None: super().__init__() self.batches = batches or [] self.n_batches = len(self.batches) or 1 self.h_depth = h_depth ptr_dim = in_features + self.n_batches for layer in range(self.h_depth): setattr(self, f"linear_{layer}", torch.nn.Linear(ptr_dim, h_dim)) setattr(self, f"act_{layer}", torch.nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2)) setattr(self, f"bn_{layer}", torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(h_dim)) setattr(self, f"dropout_{layer}", torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout)) ptr_dim = h_dim + self.n_batches self.loc = torch.nn.Linear(ptr_dim, out_features) @property def batched_weights(self) -> List[str]: return [f"linear_{layer}.weight" for layer in range(self.h_depth)] + ["loc.weight"]
[docs] def compute_dist( self, loc: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor, l: Optional[torch.Tensor] ) -> D.Distribution: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def forward( self, x: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor, l: Optional[torch.Tensor] ) -> D.Distribution: b_one_hot = F.one_hot(b, num_classes=self.n_batches) ptr =[x, b_one_hot], dim=1) for layer in range(self.h_depth): ptr = getattr(self, f"linear_{layer}")(ptr) ptr = getattr(self, f"act_{layer}")(ptr) ptr = getattr(self, f"bn_{layer}")(ptr) ptr = getattr(self, f"dropout_{layer}")(ptr) ptr =[ptr, b_one_hot], dim=1) loc = self.loc(ptr) return self.compute_dist(loc, b, l)
[docs]class MSEDataDecoder(DataDecoder):
[docs] def compute_dist( self, loc: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor, l: Optional[torch.Tensor] ) -> MSE: return MSE(loc)
[docs]class RMSEDataDecoder(DataDecoder):
[docs] def compute_dist( self, loc: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor, l: Optional[torch.Tensor] ) -> RMSE: return RMSE(loc)
[docs]class NormalDataDecoder(DataDecoder): def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, batches: Optional[List[str]] = None, h_depth: int = 2, h_dim: int = 256, dropout: float = 0.2 ) -> None: super().__init__( in_features, out_features, batches, h_depth=h_depth, h_dim=h_dim, dropout=dropout ) self.std_lin = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features, self.n_batches)) @property def batched_weights(self) -> List[str]: return super().batched_weights + ["std_lin"]
[docs] def compute_dist( self, loc: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor, l: Optional[torch.Tensor] ) -> D.Normal: std = F.softplus(self.std_lin.T[b]) + EPS return D.Normal(loc, std)
[docs]class ZINDataDecoder(NormalDataDecoder): def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, batches: Optional[List[str]] = None, h_depth: int = 2, h_dim: int = 256, dropout: float = 0.2 ) -> None: super().__init__( in_features, out_features, batches, h_depth=h_depth, h_dim=h_dim, dropout=dropout ) self.zi_logits = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features, self.n_batches)) @property def batched_weights(self) -> List[str]: return super().batched_weights + ["zi_logits"]
[docs] def compute_dist( self, loc: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor, l: Optional[torch.Tensor] ) -> ZIN: std = F.softplus(self.std_lin.T[b]) + EPS return ZIN(self.zi_logits.T[b].expand_as(loc), loc, std)
[docs]class ZILNDataDecoder(DataDecoder): def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, batches: Optional[List[str]] = None, h_depth: int = 2, h_dim: int = 256, dropout: float = 0.2 ) -> None: super().__init__( in_features, out_features, batches, h_depth=h_depth, h_dim=h_dim, dropout=dropout ) self.std_lin = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features, self.n_batches)) self.zi_logits = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features, self.n_batches)) @property def batched_weights(self) -> List[str]: return super().batched_weights + ["std_lin", "zi_logits"]
[docs] def compute_dist( self, loc: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor, l: Optional[torch.Tensor] ) -> ZILN: std = F.softplus(self.std_lin.T[b]) + EPS return ZILN(self.zi_logits.T[b].expand_as(loc), loc, std)
[docs]class BernoulliDataDecoder(DataDecoder): def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, batches: Optional[List[str]] = None, h_depth: int = 2, h_dim: int = 256, dropout: float = 0.2 ) -> None: super().__init__( in_features, out_features, batches, h_depth=h_depth, h_dim=h_dim, dropout=dropout ) self.scale_lin = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features, self.n_batches)) self.bias = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features, self.n_batches)) @property def batched_weights(self) -> List[str]: return super().batched_weights + ["scale_lin", "bias"]
[docs] def compute_dist( self, loc: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor, l: Optional[torch.Tensor] ) -> D.Bernoulli: scale = F.softplus(self.scale_lin.T[b]) return D.Bernoulli(logits=scale * loc + self.bias.T[b])
[docs]class NBDataDecoder(DataDecoder): def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, batches: Optional[List[str]] = None, h_depth: int = 2, h_dim: int = 256, dropout: float = 0.2 ) -> None: super().__init__( in_features, out_features, batches=batches, h_depth=h_depth, h_dim=h_dim, dropout=dropout ) self.scale_lin = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features, self.n_batches)) self.bias = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features, self.n_batches)) self.log_theta = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(out_features, self.n_batches)) @property def batched_weights(self) -> List[str]: return super().batched_weights + ["scale_lin", "bias", "log_theta"]
[docs] def compute_dist( self, loc: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor, l: torch.Tensor ) -> D.NegativeBinomial: scale = F.softplus(self.scale_lin.T[b]) logit_mu = scale * loc + self.bias.T[b] mu = F.softmax(logit_mu, dim=1) * l.unsqueeze(1) log_theta = self.log_theta.T[b] return D.NegativeBinomial( log_theta.exp(), logits=(mu + EPS).log() - log_theta )
[docs]class Discriminator(torch.nn.Sequential, BatchedTransferrable): def __init__( self, in_features: int, out_features: int, batches: Optional[List[str]] = None, h_depth: int = 2, h_dim: Optional[int] = 256, dropout: float = 0.2 ) -> None: self.batches = batches or [] self.n_batches = len(self.batches) # NOTE: Do not add 1, or we can't feed b properly od = collections.OrderedDict() ptr_dim = in_features + self.n_batches for layer in range(h_depth): od[f"linear_{layer}"] = torch.nn.Linear(ptr_dim, h_dim) od[f"act_{layer}"] = torch.nn.LeakyReLU(negative_slope=0.2) od[f"dropout_{layer}"] = torch.nn.Dropout(p=dropout) ptr_dim = h_dim od["pred"] = torch.nn.Linear(ptr_dim, out_features) super().__init__(od) @property def batched_weights(self) -> List[str]: return ["linear_0.weight" if hasattr(self, "linear_0") else "pred.weight"]
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, b: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if self.n_batches: b_one_hot = F.one_hot(b, num_classes=self.n_batches) x =[x, b_one_hot], dim=1) return super().forward(x)
[docs]class Classifier(torch.nn.Linear, Transferrable): r""" Linear label classifier Parameters ---------- in_features Input dimensionality out_features Output dimensionality """
#---------------------------------- Utilities ---------------------------------- _ENCODER_MAP: Mapping[str, type] = {} _DECODER_MAP: Mapping[str, type] = {}
[docs]def register_prob_model(prob_model: str, encoder: type, decoder: type) -> None: r""" Register probabilistic model Parameters ---------- prob_model Data probabilistic model encoder Encoder type of the probabilistic model decoder Decoder type of the probabilistic model """ _ENCODER_MAP[prob_model] = encoder _DECODER_MAP[prob_model] = decoder
register_prob_model("MSE", VanillaCompositeDataEncoder, MSEDataDecoder) register_prob_model("RMSE", VanillaCompositeDataEncoder, RMSEDataDecoder) register_prob_model("Normal", VanillaCompositeDataEncoder, NormalDataDecoder) register_prob_model("ZIN", VanillaCompositeDataEncoder, ZINDataDecoder) register_prob_model("ZILN", VanillaCompositeDataEncoder, ZILNDataDecoder) register_prob_model("Bernoulli", VanillaCompositeDataEncoder, BernoulliDataDecoder) register_prob_model("NB", NBCompositeDataEncoder, NBDataDecoder) #----------------------------- Network definition ------------------------------
[docs]class SCCLUE(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, x2u: Mapping[str, CompositeDataEncoder], u2x: Mapping[str, DataDecoder], du: Discriminator, prior: Prior, u2c: Optional[Classifier] = None ) -> None: super().__init__() if not set(x2u.keys()) == set(u2x.keys()) != set(): raise ValueError("`x2u` and `u2x` must have the same keys and non-empty!") self.keys = list(x2u.keys()) self.x2u = torch.nn.ModuleDict(x2u) self.u2x = torch.nn.ModuleDict(u2x) self.du = du self.prior = prior self.u2c = u2c self.device = autodevice() @property def device(self) -> torch.device: return self._device @device.setter def device(self, device: torch.device) -> None: self._device = device
[docs] def forward(self) -> NoReturn: raise NotImplementedError("SCCLUE does not support forward operation!")
[docs] def transfer_weights_from(self, source: "SCCLUE") -> None: for k in self.keys: self.x2u[k].transfer_weights_from(source.x2u[k]) self.u2x[k].transfer_weights_from(source.u2x[k]) self.du.transfer_weights_from(source.du) if self.u2c and source.u2c: self.u2c.transfer_weights_from(source.u2c)
#----------------------------- Trainer definition ------------------------------ PairedDataTensors = Tuple[ Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # x (data) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xrep (alternative input data) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xbch (data batch) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xlbl (data label) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xdwt (modality discriminator sample weight) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xflag (modality indicator) torch.Tensor, # pmsk (paired mask) ] # Specifies the data format of input to SCCLUETrainer.compute_losses
[docs]@logged class SCCLUETrainer(Trainer): def __init__( self, net: SCCLUE, lam_data: float = None, lam_kl: float = None, lam_align: float = None, lam_sup: float = None, lam_joint_cross: float = None, lam_real_cross: float = None, lam_cos: float = None, normalize_u: bool = None, modality_weight: Mapping[str, float] = None, optim: str = None, lr: float = None, **kwargs ) -> None: required_kwargs = ( "lam_data", "lam_kl", "lam_align", "lam_sup", "lam_joint_cross", "lam_real_cross", "lam_cos", "normalize_u", "modality_weight", "optim", "lr" ) for required_kwarg in required_kwargs: if locals()[required_kwarg] is None: raise ValueError(f"`{required_kwarg}` must be specified!") super().__init__(net) self.required_losses = [ "dsc_loss", "gen_loss", "joint_cross_loss", "real_cross_loss", "cos_loss" ] if self.required_losses.append("sup_loss") for k in self.required_losses += [f"x_{k}_nll", f"x_{k}_kl", f"x_{k}_elbo"] self.earlystop_loss = "gen_loss" self.lam_data = lam_data self.lam_kl = lam_kl self.lam_align = lam_align self.lam_sup = lam_sup self.lam_joint_cross = lam_joint_cross self.lam_real_cross = lam_real_cross self.lam_cos = lam_cos self.normalize_u = normalize_u if min(modality_weight.values()) < 0: raise ValueError("Modality weights must be non-negative!") normalizer = sum(modality_weight.values()) / len(modality_weight) self.modality_weight = {k: v / normalizer for k, v in modality_weight.items()} = lr if self.vae_optim = getattr(torch.optim, optim)( chain(,, ),, **kwargs ) else: self.vae_optim = getattr(torch.optim, optim)( chain(, ),, **kwargs ) self.dsc_optim = getattr(torch.optim, optim)(,, **kwargs ) self.align_burnin: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def format_data(self, data: List[torch.Tensor]) -> PairedDataTensors: device = keys = K = len(keys) x, xrep, xbch, xlbl, xdwt, pmsk = \ data[0:K], data[K:2*K], data[2*K:3*K], \ data[3*K:4*K], data[4*K:5*K], data[5*K] x = { k: x[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xrep = { k: xrep[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xbch = { k: xbch[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xlbl = { k: xlbl[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xdwt = { k: xdwt[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xflag = { k: torch.as_tensor( i, dtype=torch.int64, device=device ).expand(x[k].shape[0]) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } pmsk =, non_blocking=True) return x, xrep, xbch, xlbl, xdwt, xflag, pmsk
[docs] def compute_losses( self, data: PairedDataTensors, epoch: int, dsc_only: bool = False ) -> Mapping[str, torch.Tensor]: net = x, xrep, xbch, xlbl, xdwt, xflag, pmsk = data u, l = {}, {} for k in net.keys: u[k], l[k] = net.x2u[k](x[k], xrep[k], lazy_normalizer=dsc_only) usamp = {k: u[k].rsample() for k in net.keys} if self.normalize_u: usamp = {k: F.normalize(usamp[k], dim=1) for k in net.keys} usamp_split = { k: torch.stack(torch.tensor_split( usamp[k], len(net.keys), dim=1 )) # Stacking and indexing on first dim should be faster for k in net.keys } prior = net.prior() u_cat =[u[k].mean for k in net.keys]) xbch_cat =[xbch[k] for k in net.keys]) xdwt_cat =[xdwt[k] for k in net.keys]) xflag_cat =[xflag[k] for k in net.keys]) anneal = max(1 - (epoch - 1) / self.align_burnin, 0) \ if self.align_burnin else 0 if anneal: noise = prior.sample(u_cat.shape) u_cat = u_cat + anneal * noise dsc_loss = F.cross_entropy(net.du(u_cat, xbch_cat), xflag_cat, reduction="none") dsc_loss = (dsc_loss * xdwt_cat).sum() / xdwt_cat.numel() if dsc_only: return {"dsc_loss": self.lam_align * dsc_loss} if net.u2c: xlbl_cat =[xlbl[k] for k in net.keys]) lmsk = xlbl_cat >= 0 sup_loss = F.cross_entropy( net.u2c(u_cat[lmsk]), xlbl_cat[lmsk], reduction="none" ).sum() / max(lmsk.sum(), 1) else: sup_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, x_nll = { k: -net.u2x[k]( usamp_split[k][i], xbch[k], None if l[k] is None else l[k][:, i] ).log_prob(x[k]).mean() for i, k in enumerate(net.keys) } x_kl = { k: D.kl_divergence( u[k], prior ).sum(dim=1).mean() / x[k].shape[1] for k in net.keys } x_elbo = { k: x_nll[k] + self.lam_kl * x_kl[k] for k in net.keys } x_elbo_sum = sum(self.modality_weight[k] * x_elbo[k] for k in net.keys) pmsk = pmsk.T usamp_stack = torch.stack([usamp[k] for k in net.keys]) pmsk_stack = pmsk.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(usamp_stack) usamp_mean = (usamp_stack * pmsk_stack).sum(dim=0) / pmsk_stack.sum(dim=0) if self.normalize_u: usamp_mean = F.normalize(usamp_mean, dim=1) usamp_mean_split = torch.stack(torch.tensor_split( usamp_mean, len(net.keys), dim=1 )) if self.lam_joint_cross: x_joint_cross_nll = { k: -net.u2x[k]( usamp_mean_split[i, m], xbch[k][m], None if l[k] is None else l[k][m, i] # FIXME: This is directly using target modality estimated l. # We are supposed to use source modality estimated l as well. # Maybe take an average like in usamp? But l does not have # adversarial learning as u, so it is unsure whether that's # going to work. ).log_prob(x[k][m]).mean() for i, (k, m) in enumerate(zip(net.keys, pmsk)) if m.sum() } # Decode the usamp_mean to all modalities joint_cross_loss = sum( self.modality_weight[k] * nll for k, nll in x_joint_cross_nll.items() ) else: joint_cross_loss = torch.as_tensor(0.0, device=net.device) if self.lam_real_cross: x_real_cross_nll = {} for i, (k_tgt, m_tgt) in enumerate(zip(net.keys, pmsk)): x_tgt_real_cross_nll = torch.as_tensor(0.0, device=net.device) for k_src, m_src in zip(net.keys, pmsk): if k_src == k_tgt: continue m = m_src & m_tgt if m.sum(): x_tgt_real_cross_nll += -net.u2x[k_tgt]( usamp_split[k_src][i, m], xbch[k_tgt][m], None if l[k_src] is None else l[k_src][m, i] ).log_prob(x[k_tgt][m]).mean() x_real_cross_nll[k_tgt] = x_tgt_real_cross_nll real_cross_loss = sum( self.modality_weight[k] * nll for k, nll in x_real_cross_nll.items() ) else: real_cross_loss = torch.as_tensor(0.0, device=net.device) if self.lam_cos: cos_loss = sum( 1 - F.cosine_similarity( usamp_stack[i, m], usamp_mean[m] ).mean() for i, m in enumerate(pmsk) if m.sum() ) else: cos_loss = torch.as_tensor(0.0, device=net.device) gen_loss = self.lam_data * x_elbo_sum \ + self.lam_sup * sup_loss \ + self.lam_joint_cross * joint_cross_loss \ + self.lam_real_cross * real_cross_loss \ + self.lam_cos * cos_loss \ - self.lam_align * dsc_loss losses = { "dsc_loss": dsc_loss, "gen_loss": gen_loss, "joint_cross_loss": joint_cross_loss, "real_cross_loss": real_cross_loss, "cos_loss": cos_loss } for k in net.keys: losses.update({ f"x_{k}_nll": x_nll[k], f"x_{k}_kl": x_kl[k], f"x_{k}_elbo": x_elbo[k] }) if net.u2c: losses["sup_loss"] = sup_loss return losses
[docs] def train_step( self, engine: ignite.engine.Engine, data: List[torch.Tensor] ) -> Mapping[str, torch.Tensor]: # pragma: no cover data = self.format_data(data) epoch = engine.state.epoch # Discriminator step losses = self.compute_losses(data, epoch, dsc_only=True) losses["dsc_loss"].backward() # Already scaled by lam_align self.dsc_optim.step() # Generator step losses = self.compute_losses(data, epoch) losses["gen_loss"].backward() self.vae_optim.step() return losses
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def val_step( self, engine: ignite.engine.Engine, data: List[torch.Tensor] ) -> Mapping[str, torch.Tensor]: data = self.format_data(data) return self.compute_losses(data, engine.state.epoch)
[docs] def fit( # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed self, data: AnnDataset, val_split: float = None, batch_size: int = None, align_burnin: int = None, max_epochs: int = None, patience: Optional[int] = None, reduce_lr_patience: Optional[int] = None, random_seed: int = None, directory: Optional[os.PathLike] = None, plugins: Optional[List[TrainingPlugin]] = None ) -> None: required_kwargs = { "val_split", "batch_size", "align_burnin", "max_epochs", "random_seed" } for required_kwarg in required_kwargs: if locals()[required_kwarg] is None: raise ValueError(f"`{required_kwarg}` must be specified!") if patience and reduce_lr_patience and reduce_lr_patience >= patience: self.logger.warning( "Parameter `reduce_lr_patience` should be smaller than `patience`, " "otherwise learning rate scheduling would be ineffective." ) data.getitem_size = max(1, round(batch_size / config.DATALOADER_FETCHES_PER_BATCH)) data_train, data_val = data.random_split([1 - val_split, val_split], random_state=random_seed) data_train.prepare_shuffle(num_workers=config.ARRAY_SHUFFLE_NUM_WORKERS, random_seed=random_seed) data_val.prepare_shuffle(num_workers=config.ARRAY_SHUFFLE_NUM_WORKERS, random_seed=random_seed) train_loader = DataLoader( data_train, batch_size=config.DATALOADER_FETCHES_PER_BATCH, shuffle=True, num_workers=config.DATALOADER_NUM_WORKERS, pin_memory=config.DATALOADER_PIN_MEMORY and not config.CPU_ONLY, drop_last=len(data_train) > config.DATALOADER_FETCHES_PER_BATCH, generator=torch.Generator().manual_seed(random_seed), persistent_workers=False ) val_loader = DataLoader( data_val, batch_size=config.DATALOADER_FETCHES_PER_BATCH, shuffle=True, num_workers=config.DATALOADER_NUM_WORKERS, pin_memory=config.DATALOADER_PIN_MEMORY and not config.CPU_ONLY, drop_last=False, generator=torch.Generator().manual_seed(random_seed), persistent_workers=False ) self.align_burnin = align_burnin default_plugins = [Tensorboard()] if patience: default_plugins.append(EarlyStopping( monitor=self.earlystop_loss, patience=patience, burnin=self.align_burnin )) if reduce_lr_patience: default_plugins.append(LRScheduler( self.vae_optim, self.dsc_optim, monitor=self.earlystop_loss, patience=reduce_lr_patience, burnin=self.align_burnin )) plugins = default_plugins + (plugins or []) try: super().fit( train_loader, val_loader=val_loader, max_epochs=max_epochs, random_seed=random_seed, directory=directory, plugins=plugins ) finally: data.clean() data_train.clean() data_val.clean() self.align_burnin = None
[docs] def state_dict(self) -> Mapping[str, Any]: return { **super().state_dict(), "vae_optim": self.vae_optim.state_dict(), "dsc_optim": self.dsc_optim.state_dict() }
[docs] def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: self.vae_optim.load_state_dict(state_dict.pop("vae_optim")) self.dsc_optim.load_state_dict(state_dict.pop("dsc_optim")) super().load_state_dict(state_dict)
#--------------------------------- Public API ----------------------------------
[docs]@logged class SCCLUEModel(Model): NET_TYPE = SCCLUE TRAINER_TYPE = SCCLUETrainer ALIGN_BURNIN_PRG: float = 12.0 MAX_EPOCH_PRG: float = 72.0 PATIENCE_PRG: float = 9.0 REDUCE_LR_PATIENCE_PRG: float = 3.0 def __init__( self, adatas: Mapping[str, AnnData], latent_dim: int = 50, x2u_h_depth: int = 2, x2u_h_dim: int = 256, u2x_h_depth: int = 2, u2x_h_dim: int = 256, du_h_depth: int = 2, du_h_dim: int = 256, dropout: float = 0.2, shared_batches: bool = False, random_seed: int = 0 ) -> None: self.random_seed = random_seed torch.manual_seed(self.random_seed) self.modalities, x2u, u2x, all_ct = {}, {}, {}, set() for k, adata in adatas.items(): if config.ANNDATA_KEY not in adata.uns: raise ValueError( f"The '{k}' dataset has not been configured. " f"Please call `configure_dataset` first!" ) data_config = copy.deepcopy(adata.uns[config.ANNDATA_KEY]) if data_config["rep_dim"] and data_config["rep_dim"] < latent_dim: self.logger.warning( "It is recommended that `use_rep` dimensionality " "be equal or larger than `latent_dim`." ) x2u[k] = _ENCODER_MAP[data_config["prob_model"]]( data_config["rep_dim"] or len(data_config["features"]), len(data_config["features"]), latent_dim, len(adatas), h_depth=x2u_h_depth, h_dim=x2u_h_dim, dropout=dropout ) data_config["batches"] = pd.Index([]) if data_config["batches"] is None \ else pd.Index(data_config["batches"]) u2x[k] = _DECODER_MAP[data_config["prob_model"]]( latent_dim, len(data_config["features"]), batches=data_config["batches"].to_list(), h_depth=u2x_h_depth, h_dim=u2x_h_dim, dropout=dropout ) all_ct = all_ct.union( set() if data_config["cell_types"] is None else data_config["cell_types"] ) self.modalities[k] = data_config all_ct = pd.Index(all_ct).sort_values() for modality in self.modalities.values(): modality["cell_types"] = all_ct if shared_batches: all_batches = [modality["batches"] for modality in self.modalities.values()] ref_batch = all_batches[0] for batches in all_batches: if not np.array_equal(batches, ref_batch): raise RuntimeError("Batches must match when using `shared_batches`!") du_batches = ref_batch.to_list() else: du_batches = [] du = Discriminator( latent_dim * len(self.modalities), len(self.modalities), batches=du_batches, h_depth=du_h_depth, h_dim=du_h_dim, dropout=dropout ) prior = Prior() super().__init__( x2u, u2x, du, prior, u2c=None if all_ct.empty else Classifier( latent_dim * len(self.modalities), all_ct.size ) )
[docs] def adopt_pretrained_model(self, source: "SCCLUEModel") -> None:
[docs] def compile( self, lam_data: float = 1.0, lam_kl: float = 1.0, lam_align: float = 0.02, lam_sup: float = 0.02, lam_joint_cross: float = 0.02, lam_real_cross: float = 0.02, lam_cos: float = 0.02, normalize_u: bool = True, modality_weight: Optional[Mapping[str, float]] = None, lr: float = 2e-3, **kwargs ) -> None: if modality_weight is None: modality_weight = {k: 1.0 for k in self.modalities} self.normalize_u = normalize_u super().compile( lam_data=lam_data, lam_kl=lam_kl, lam_align=lam_align, lam_sup=lam_sup, lam_joint_cross=lam_joint_cross, lam_real_cross=lam_real_cross, lam_cos=lam_cos, normalize_u=normalize_u, modality_weight=modality_weight, optim="RMSprop", lr=lr, **kwargs )
[docs] def fit( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, adatas: Mapping[str, AnnData], val_split: float = 0.1, batch_size: int = 128, align_burnin: int = AUTO, max_epochs: int = AUTO, patience: Optional[int] = AUTO, reduce_lr_patience: Optional[int] = AUTO, directory: Optional[os.PathLike] = None ) -> None: data = AnnDataset( [adatas[key] for key in], [self.modalities[key] for key in], mode="train" ) batch_per_epoch = data.size * (1 - val_split) / batch_size if align_burnin == AUTO: align_burnin = max( ceil(self.ALIGN_BURNIN_PRG / / batch_per_epoch), ceil(self.ALIGN_BURNIN_PRG) )"Setting `align_burnin` = %d", align_burnin) if max_epochs == AUTO: max_epochs = max( ceil(self.MAX_EPOCH_PRG / / batch_per_epoch), ceil(self.MAX_EPOCH_PRG) )"Setting `max_epochs` = %d", max_epochs) if patience == AUTO: patience = max( ceil(self.PATIENCE_PRG / / batch_per_epoch), ceil(self.PATIENCE_PRG) )"Setting `patience` = %d", patience) if reduce_lr_patience == AUTO: reduce_lr_patience = max( ceil(self.REDUCE_LR_PATIENCE_PRG / / batch_per_epoch), ceil(self.REDUCE_LR_PATIENCE_PRG) )"Setting `reduce_lr_patience` = %d", reduce_lr_patience) super().fit( data, val_split=val_split, batch_size=batch_size, align_burnin=align_burnin, max_epochs=max_epochs, patience=patience, reduce_lr_patience=reduce_lr_patience, random_seed=self.random_seed, directory=directory )
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def encode_data( self, key: str, adata: AnnData, batch_size: int = 128 ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Compute data sample (cell) embedding Parameters ---------- key Modality key adata Input dataset batch_size Size of minibatches Returns ------- embedding Data sample (cell) embedding """ encoder =[key] data = AnnDataset( [adata], [self.modalities[key]], mode="eval", getitem_size=batch_size ) data_loader = DataLoader( data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, drop_last=False ) result = [] for x, xrep, *_ in data_loader: result.append(encoder(,, lazy_normalizer=True )[0].mean.detach().cpu()) return
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def cross_predict( self, keys: Tuple[str, str], adata: AnnData, batch_size: int = 128 ) -> AnnData: source_key, target_key = keys if self.modalities[target_key]["prob_model"] == "NB": raise RuntimeError("Cannot use NB prob model for cross prediction!") if self.modalities[target_key]["use_batch"] is not None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot use batch for cross prediction!") target_idx = x2u =[source_key] u2x =[target_key] data = AnnDataset( [adata], [self.modalities[source_key]], mode="eval", getitem_size=batch_size ) data_loader = DataLoader( data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, drop_last=False ) result = [] for x, xrep, *_ in data_loader: u, _ = x2u(,, lazy_normalizer=True ) umean = F.normalize(u.mean, dim=1) if self.normalize_u else u.mean umean_split = torch.stack(torch.tensor_split( umean, len(, dim=1 ), dim=0) result.append(u2x( umean_split[target_idx], torch.zeros(x.shape[0], dtype=int,, None ).mean.detach().cpu()) X = return AnnData( X=X, obs=adata.obs, var=pd.DataFrame(index=self.modalities[target_key]["features"]), dtype=X.dtype )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"SCCLUE model with the following network and trainer:\n\n" f"{repr(}\n\n" f"{repr(self.trainer)}\n" )