Source code for scglue.models.scglue

Graph-linked unified embedding (GLUE) for single-cell multi-omics
data integration

import copy
import os
from itertools import chain
from math import ceil
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

import ignite
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torch.distributions as D
import torch.nn.functional as F
from anndata import AnnData

from ..graph import check_graph
from ..num import normalize_edges
from ..utils import AUTO, config, get_chained_attr, logged
from . import sc
from .base import Model
from .data import AnnDataset, ArrayDataset, DataLoader, GraphDataset
from .glue import GLUE, GLUETrainer
from .nn import freeze_running_stats

#---------------------------------- Utilities ----------------------------------

_ENCODER_MAP: Mapping[str, type] = {}
_DECODER_MAP: Mapping[str, type] = {}

[docs]def register_prob_model(prob_model: str, encoder: type, decoder: type) -> None: r""" Register probabilistic model Parameters ---------- prob_model Data probabilistic model encoder Encoder type of the probabilistic model decoder Decoder type of the probabilistic model """ _ENCODER_MAP[prob_model] = encoder _DECODER_MAP[prob_model] = decoder
register_prob_model("Normal", sc.VanillaDataEncoder, sc.NormalDataDecoder) register_prob_model("ZIN", sc.VanillaDataEncoder, sc.ZINDataDecoder) register_prob_model("ZILN", sc.VanillaDataEncoder, sc.ZILNDataDecoder) register_prob_model("NB", sc.NBDataEncoder, sc.NBDataDecoder) register_prob_model("ZINB", sc.NBDataEncoder, sc.ZINBDataDecoder) #----------------------------- Network definition ------------------------------
[docs]class SCGLUE(GLUE): r""" GLUE network for single-cell multi-omics data integration Parameters ---------- g2v Graph encoder v2g Graph decoder x2u Data encoders (indexed by modality name) u2x Data decoders (indexed by modality name) idx Feature indices among graph vertices (indexed by modality name) du Modality discriminator prior Latent prior u2c Data classifier """ def __init__( self, g2v: sc.GraphEncoder, v2g: sc.GraphDecoder, x2u: Mapping[str, sc.DataEncoder], u2x: Mapping[str, sc.DataDecoder], idx: Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], du: sc.Discriminator, prior: sc.Prior, u2c: Optional[sc.Classifier] = None ) -> None: super().__init__(g2v, v2g, x2u, u2x, idx, du, prior) self.u2c = if u2c else None
[docs]class IndSCGLUE(SCGLUE): r""" GLUE network where cell and feature in different modalities are independent Parameters ---------- g2v Graph encoder v2g Graph decoder x2u Data encoders (indexed by modality name) u2x Data decoders (indexed by modality name) idx Feature indices among graph vertices (indexed by modality name) du Modality discriminator prior Latent prior u2c Data classifier """ def __init__( self, g2v: sc.GraphEncoder, v2g: sc.GraphDecoder, x2u: Mapping[str, sc.DataEncoder], u2x: Mapping[str, sc.IndDataDecoder], idx: Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], du: sc.Discriminator, prior: sc.Prior, u2c: Optional[sc.Classifier] = None ) -> None: super().__init__(g2v, v2g, x2u, u2x, idx, du, prior, u2c)
#----------------------------- Trainer definition ------------------------------ DataTensors = Tuple[ Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # x (data) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xrep (alternative input data) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xbch (data batch) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xlbl (data label) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xdwt (modality discriminator sample weight) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xflag (modality indicator) torch.Tensor, # eidx (edge index) torch.Tensor, # ewt (edge weight) torch.Tensor # esgn (edge sign) ] # Specifies the data format of input to SCGLUETrainer.compute_losses
[docs]@logged class SCGLUETrainer(GLUETrainer): r""" Trainer for :class:`SCGLUE` Parameters ---------- net :class:`SCGLUE` network to be trained lam_data Data weight lam_kl KL weight lam_graph Graph weight lam_align Adversarial alignment weight lam_sup Cell type supervision weight normalize_u Whether to L2 normalize cell embeddings before decoder modality_weight Relative modality weight (indexed by modality name) optim Optimizer lr Learning rate **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to the optimizer constructor """ BURNIN_NOISE_EXAG: float = 1.5 # Burn-in noise exaggeration def __init__( self, net: SCGLUE, lam_data: float = None, lam_kl: float = None, lam_graph: float = None, lam_align: float = None, lam_sup: float = None, normalize_u: bool = None, modality_weight: Mapping[str, float] = None, optim: str = None, lr: float = None, **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__( net, lam_data=lam_data, lam_kl=lam_kl, lam_graph=lam_graph, lam_align=lam_align, modality_weight=modality_weight, optim=optim, lr=lr, **kwargs ) required_kwargs = ("lam_sup", "normalize_u") for required_kwarg in required_kwargs: if locals()[required_kwarg] is None: raise ValueError(f"`{required_kwarg}` must be specified!") self.lam_sup = lam_sup self.normalize_u = normalize_u self.freeze_u = False if net.u2c: self.required_losses.append("sup_loss") self.vae_optim = getattr(torch.optim, optim)( chain(,,,, ),, **kwargs ) @property def freeze_u(self) -> bool: r""" Whether to freeze cell embeddings """ return self._freeze_u @freeze_u.setter def freeze_u(self, freeze_u: bool) -> None: self._freeze_u = freeze_u for item in chain(, item.requires_grad_(not self._freeze_u)
[docs] def format_data(self, data: List[torch.Tensor]) -> DataTensors: r""" Format data tensors Note ---- The data dataset should contain data arrays for each modality, followed by alternative input arrays for each modality, in the same order as modality keys of the network. """ device = keys = K = len(keys) x, xrep, xbch, xlbl, xdwt, (eidx, ewt, esgn) = \ data[0:K], data[K:2*K], data[2*K:3*K], data[3*K:4*K], data[4*K:5*K], \ data[5*K+1:] x = { k: x[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xrep = { k: xrep[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xbch = { k: xbch[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xlbl = { k: xlbl[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xdwt = { k: xdwt[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xflag = { k: torch.as_tensor( i, dtype=torch.int64, device=device ).expand(x[k].shape[0]) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } eidx =, non_blocking=True) ewt =, non_blocking=True) esgn =, non_blocking=True) return x, xrep, xbch, xlbl, xdwt, xflag, eidx, ewt, esgn
[docs] def compute_losses( self, data: DataTensors, epoch: int, dsc_only: bool = False ) -> Mapping[str, torch.Tensor]: net = x, xrep, xbch, xlbl, xdwt, xflag, eidx, ewt, esgn = data u, l = {}, {} for k in net.keys: u[k], l[k] = net.x2u[k](x[k], xrep[k], lazy_normalizer=dsc_only) usamp = {k: u[k].rsample() for k in net.keys} if self.normalize_u: usamp = {k: F.normalize(usamp[k], dim=1) for k in net.keys} prior = net.prior() u_cat =[u[k].mean for k in net.keys]) xbch_cat =[xbch[k] for k in net.keys]) xdwt_cat =[xdwt[k] for k in net.keys]) xflag_cat =[xflag[k] for k in net.keys]) anneal = max(1 - (epoch - 1) / self.align_burnin, 0) \ if self.align_burnin else 0 if anneal: noise = D.Normal(0, u_cat.std(axis=0)).sample((u_cat.shape[0], )) u_cat = u_cat + (anneal * self.BURNIN_NOISE_EXAG) * noise dsc_loss = F.cross_entropy(net.du(u_cat, xbch_cat), xflag_cat, reduction="none") dsc_loss = (dsc_loss * xdwt_cat).sum() / xdwt_cat.numel() if dsc_only: return {"dsc_loss": self.lam_align * dsc_loss} if net.u2c: xlbl_cat =[xlbl[k] for k in net.keys]) lmsk = xlbl_cat >= 0 sup_loss = F.cross_entropy( net.u2c(u_cat[lmsk]), xlbl_cat[lmsk], reduction="none" ).sum() / max(lmsk.sum(), 1) else: sup_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, v = net.g2v(self.eidx, self.enorm, self.esgn) vsamp = v.rsample() g_nll = -net.v2g(vsamp, eidx, esgn).log_prob(ewt) pos_mask = (ewt != 0).to(torch.int64) n_pos = pos_mask.sum().item() n_neg = pos_mask.numel() - n_pos g_nll_pn = torch.zeros(2, dtype=g_nll.dtype, device=g_nll.device) g_nll_pn.scatter_add_(0, pos_mask, g_nll) avgc = (n_pos > 0) + (n_neg > 0) g_nll = (g_nll_pn[0] / max(n_neg, 1) + g_nll_pn[1] / max(n_pos, 1)) / avgc g_kl = D.kl_divergence(v, prior).sum(dim=1).mean() / vsamp.shape[0] g_elbo = g_nll + self.lam_kl * g_kl x_nll = { k: -net.u2x[k]( usamp[k], vsamp[getattr(net, f"{k}_idx")], xbch[k], l[k] ).log_prob(x[k]).mean() for k in net.keys } x_kl = { k: D.kl_divergence( u[k], prior ).sum(dim=1).mean() / x[k].shape[1] for k in net.keys } x_elbo = { k: x_nll[k] + self.lam_kl * x_kl[k] for k in net.keys } x_elbo_sum = sum(self.modality_weight[k] * x_elbo[k] for k in net.keys) vae_loss = self.lam_data * x_elbo_sum \ + self.lam_graph * len(net.keys) * g_elbo \ + self.lam_sup * sup_loss gen_loss = vae_loss - self.lam_align * dsc_loss losses = { "dsc_loss": dsc_loss, "vae_loss": vae_loss, "gen_loss": gen_loss, "g_nll": g_nll, "g_kl": g_kl, "g_elbo": g_elbo } for k in net.keys: losses.update({ f"x_{k}_nll": x_nll[k], f"x_{k}_kl": x_kl[k], f"x_{k}_elbo": x_elbo[k] }) if net.u2c: losses["sup_loss"] = sup_loss return losses
[docs] def train_step( self, engine: ignite.engine.Engine, data: List[torch.Tensor] ) -> Mapping[str, torch.Tensor]: data = self.format_data(data) epoch = engine.state.epoch if self.freeze_u: else: # Discriminator step losses = self.compute_losses(data, epoch, dsc_only=True) losses["dsc_loss"].backward() # Already scaled by lam_align self.dsc_optim.step() # Generator step losses = self.compute_losses(data, epoch) losses["gen_loss"].backward() self.vae_optim.step() return losses
def __repr__(self): vae_optim = repr(self.vae_optim).replace(" ", " ").replace("\n", "\n ") dsc_optim = repr(self.dsc_optim).replace(" ", " ").replace("\n", "\n ") return ( f"{type(self).__name__}(\n" f" lam_graph: {self.lam_graph}\n" f" lam_align: {self.lam_align}\n" f" vae_optim: {vae_optim}\n" f" dsc_optim: {dsc_optim}\n" f" freeze_u: {self.freeze_u}\n" f")" )
PairedDataTensors = Tuple[ Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # x (data) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xrep (alternative input data) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xbch (data batch) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xlbl (data label) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xdwt (modality discriminator sample weight) Mapping[str, torch.Tensor], # xflag (modality indicator) torch.Tensor, # pmsk (paired mask) torch.Tensor, # eidx (edge index) torch.Tensor, # ewt (edge weight) torch.Tensor # esgn (edge sign) ] # Specifies the data format of input to PairedSCGLUETrainer.compute_losses
[docs]@logged class PairedSCGLUETrainer(SCGLUETrainer): r""" Paired trainer for :class:`SCGLUE` Parameters ---------- net :class:`SCGLUE` network to be trained lam_data Data weight lam_kl KL weight lam_graph Graph weight lam_align Adversarial alignment weight lam_sup Cell type supervision weight lam_joint_cross Joint cross-prediction weight lam_real_cross Real cross-prediction weight lam_cos Cosine similarity weight normalize_u Whether to L2 normalize cell embeddings before decoder modality_weight Relative modality weight (indexed by modality name) optim Optimizer lr Learning rate **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are passed to the optimizer constructor """ def __init__( self, net: SCGLUE, lam_data: float = None, lam_kl: float = None, lam_graph: float = None, lam_align: float = None, lam_sup: float = None, lam_joint_cross: float = None, lam_real_cross: float = None, lam_cos: float = None, normalize_u: bool = None, modality_weight: Mapping[str, float] = None, optim: str = None, lr: float = None, **kwargs ) -> None: super().__init__( net, lam_data=lam_data, lam_kl=lam_kl, lam_graph=lam_graph, lam_align=lam_align, lam_sup=lam_sup, normalize_u=normalize_u, modality_weight=modality_weight, optim=optim, lr=lr, **kwargs ) required_kwargs = ("lam_joint_cross", "lam_real_cross", "lam_cos") for required_kwarg in required_kwargs: if locals()[required_kwarg] is None: raise ValueError(f"`{required_kwarg}` must be specified!") self.lam_joint_cross = lam_joint_cross self.lam_real_cross = lam_real_cross self.lam_cos = lam_cos self.required_losses += ["joint_cross_loss", "real_cross_loss", "cos_loss"]
[docs] def format_data(self, data: List[torch.Tensor]) -> DataTensors: r""" Format data tensors Note ---- The data dataset should contain data arrays for each modality, followed by alternative input arrays for each modality, in the same order as modality keys of the network. """ device = keys = K = len(keys) x, xrep, xbch, xlbl, xdwt, pmsk, (eidx, ewt, esgn) = \ data[0:K], data[K:2*K], data[2*K:3*K], data[3*K:4*K], data[4*K:5*K], \ data[5*K], data[5*K+1:] x = { k: x[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xrep = { k: xrep[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xbch = { k: xbch[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xlbl = { k: xlbl[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xdwt = { k: xdwt[i].to(device, non_blocking=True) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } xflag = { k: torch.as_tensor( i, dtype=torch.int64, device=device ).expand(x[k].shape[0]) for i, k in enumerate(keys) } pmsk =, non_blocking=True) eidx =, non_blocking=True) ewt =, non_blocking=True) esgn =, non_blocking=True) return x, xrep, xbch, xlbl, xdwt, xflag, pmsk, eidx, ewt, esgn
[docs] def compute_losses( self, data: PairedDataTensors, epoch: int, dsc_only: bool = False ) -> Mapping[str, torch.Tensor]: net = x, xrep, xbch, xlbl, xdwt, xflag, pmsk, eidx, ewt, esgn = data u, l = {}, {} for k in net.keys: u[k], l[k] = net.x2u[k](x[k], xrep[k], lazy_normalizer=dsc_only) usamp = {k: u[k].rsample() for k in net.keys} if self.normalize_u: usamp = {k: F.normalize(usamp[k], dim=1) for k in net.keys} prior = net.prior() u_cat =[u[k].mean for k in net.keys]) xbch_cat =[xbch[k] for k in net.keys]) xdwt_cat =[xdwt[k] for k in net.keys]) xflag_cat =[xflag[k] for k in net.keys]) anneal = max(1 - (epoch - 1) / self.align_burnin, 0) \ if self.align_burnin else 0 if anneal: noise = D.Normal(0, u_cat.std(axis=0)).sample((u_cat.shape[0], )) u_cat = u_cat + (anneal * self.BURNIN_NOISE_EXAG) * noise dsc_loss = F.cross_entropy(net.du(u_cat, xbch_cat), xflag_cat, reduction="none") dsc_loss = (dsc_loss * xdwt_cat).sum() / xdwt_cat.numel() if dsc_only: return {"dsc_loss": self.lam_align * dsc_loss} v = net.g2v(self.eidx, self.enorm, self.esgn) vsamp = v.rsample() if net.u2c: xlbl_cat =[xlbl[k] for k in net.keys]) lmsk = xlbl_cat >= 0 sup_loss = F.cross_entropy( net.u2c(u_cat[lmsk]), xlbl_cat[lmsk], reduction="none" ).sum() / max(lmsk.sum(), 1) else: sup_loss = torch.tensor(0.0, g_nll = -net.v2g(vsamp, eidx, esgn).log_prob(ewt) pos_mask = (ewt != 0).to(torch.int64) n_pos = pos_mask.sum().item() n_neg = pos_mask.numel() - n_pos g_nll_pn = torch.zeros(2, dtype=g_nll.dtype, device=g_nll.device) g_nll_pn.scatter_add_(0, pos_mask, g_nll) avgc = (n_pos > 0) + (n_neg > 0) g_nll = (g_nll_pn[0] / max(n_neg, 1) + g_nll_pn[1] / max(n_pos, 1)) / avgc g_kl = D.kl_divergence(v, prior).sum(dim=1).mean() / vsamp.shape[0] g_elbo = g_nll + self.lam_kl * g_kl x_nll = { k: -net.u2x[k]( usamp[k], vsamp[getattr(net, f"{k}_idx")], xbch[k], l[k] ).log_prob(x[k]).mean() for k in net.keys } x_kl = { k: D.kl_divergence( u[k], prior ).sum(dim=1).mean() / x[k].shape[1] for k in net.keys } x_elbo = { k: x_nll[k] + self.lam_kl * x_kl[k] for k in net.keys } x_elbo_sum = sum(self.modality_weight[k] * x_elbo[k] for k in net.keys) pmsk = pmsk.T usamp_stack = torch.stack([usamp[k] for k in net.keys]) pmsk_stack = pmsk.unsqueeze(2).expand_as(usamp_stack) usamp_mean = (usamp_stack * pmsk_stack).sum(dim=0) / pmsk_stack.sum(dim=0) if self.normalize_u: usamp_mean = F.normalize(usamp_mean, dim=1) if self.lam_joint_cross: x_joint_cross_nll = { k: -net.u2x[k]( usamp_mean[m], vsamp[getattr(net, f"{k}_idx")], xbch[k][m], None if l[k] is None else l[k][m] ).log_prob(x[k][m]).mean() for k, m in zip(net.keys, pmsk) if m.sum() } joint_cross_loss = sum( self.modality_weight[k] * nll for k, nll in x_joint_cross_nll.items() ) else: joint_cross_loss = torch.as_tensor(0.0, device=net.device) if self.lam_real_cross: x_real_cross_nll = {} for k_tgt, m_tgt in zip(net.keys, pmsk): x_tgt_real_cross_nll = torch.as_tensor(0.0, device=net.device) for k_src, m_src in zip(net.keys, pmsk): if k_src == k_tgt: continue m = m_src & m_tgt if m.sum(): x_tgt_real_cross_nll += -net.u2x[k_tgt]( usamp[k_src][m], vsamp[getattr(net, f"{k_tgt}_idx")], xbch[k_tgt][m], None if l[k_tgt] is None else l[k_tgt][m] ).log_prob(x[k_tgt][m]).mean() x_real_cross_nll[k_tgt] = x_tgt_real_cross_nll real_cross_loss = sum( self.modality_weight[k] * nll for k, nll in x_real_cross_nll.items() ) else: real_cross_loss = torch.as_tensor(0.0, device=net.device) if self.lam_cos: cos_loss = sum( 1 - F.cosine_similarity( usamp_stack[i, m], usamp_mean[m] ).mean() for i, m in enumerate(pmsk) if m.sum() ) else: cos_loss = torch.as_tensor(0.0, device=net.device) vae_loss = self.lam_data * x_elbo_sum \ + self.lam_graph * len(net.keys) * g_elbo \ + self.lam_sup * sup_loss \ + self.lam_joint_cross * joint_cross_loss \ + self.lam_real_cross * real_cross_loss \ + self.lam_cos * cos_loss gen_loss = vae_loss - self.lam_align * dsc_loss losses = { "dsc_loss": dsc_loss, "vae_loss": vae_loss, "gen_loss": gen_loss, "g_nll": g_nll, "g_kl": g_kl, "g_elbo": g_elbo, "joint_cross_loss": joint_cross_loss, "real_cross_loss": real_cross_loss, "cos_loss": cos_loss } for k in net.keys: losses.update({ f"x_{k}_nll": x_nll[k], f"x_{k}_kl": x_kl[k], f"x_{k}_elbo": x_elbo[k] }) if net.u2c: losses["sup_loss"] = sup_loss return losses
#--------------------------------- Public API ----------------------------------
[docs]@logged class SCGLUEModel(Model): r""" GLUE model for single-cell multi-omics data integration Parameters ---------- adatas Datasets (indexed by modality name) vertices Guidance graph vertices (must cover feature names in all modalities) latent_dim Latent dimensionality h_depth Hidden layer depth for encoder and discriminator h_dim Hidden layer dimensionality for encoder and discriminator dropout Dropout rate shared_batches Whether the same batches are shared across modalities random_seed Random seed """ NET_TYPE = SCGLUE TRAINER_TYPE = SCGLUETrainer GRAPH_BATCHES: int = 32 # Number of graph batches in each graph epoch ALIGN_BURNIN_PRG: float = 8.0 # Effective optimization progress of align_burnin (learning rate * iterations) MAX_EPOCHS_PRG: float = 48.0 # Effective optimization progress of max_epochs (learning rate * iterations) PATIENCE_PRG: float = 4.0 # Effective optimization progress of patience (learning rate * iterations) REDUCE_LR_PATIENCE_PRG: float = 2.0 # Effective optimization progress of reduce_lr_patience (learning rate * iterations) def __init__( self, adatas: Mapping[str, AnnData], vertices: List[str], latent_dim: int = 50, h_depth: int = 2, h_dim: int = 256, dropout: float = 0.2, shared_batches: bool = False, random_seed: int = 0 ) -> None: self.vertices = pd.Index(vertices) self.random_seed = random_seed torch.manual_seed(self.random_seed) g2v = sc.GraphEncoder(self.vertices.size, latent_dim) v2g = sc.GraphDecoder() self.modalities, idx, x2u, u2x, all_ct = {}, {}, {}, {}, set() for k, adata in adatas.items(): if config.ANNDATA_KEY not in adata.uns: raise ValueError( f"The '{k}' dataset has not been configured. " f"Please call `configure_dataset` first!" ) data_config = copy.deepcopy(adata.uns[config.ANNDATA_KEY]) if data_config["rep_dim"] and data_config["rep_dim"] < latent_dim: self.logger.warning( "It is recommended that `use_rep` dimensionality " "be equal or larger than `latent_dim`." ) idx[k] = self.vertices.get_indexer(data_config["features"]).astype(np.int64) if idx[k].min() < 0: raise ValueError("Not all modality features exist in the graph!") idx[k] = torch.as_tensor(idx[k]) x2u[k] = _ENCODER_MAP[data_config["prob_model"]]( data_config["rep_dim"] or len(data_config["features"]), latent_dim, h_depth=h_depth, h_dim=h_dim, dropout=dropout ) data_config["batches"] = pd.Index([]) if data_config["batches"] is None \ else pd.Index(data_config["batches"]) u2x[k] = _DECODER_MAP[data_config["prob_model"]]( len(data_config["features"]), n_batches=max(data_config["batches"].size, 1) ) all_ct = all_ct.union( set() if data_config["cell_types"] is None else data_config["cell_types"] ) self.modalities[k] = data_config all_ct = pd.Index(all_ct).sort_values() for modality in self.modalities.values(): modality["cell_types"] = all_ct if shared_batches: all_batches = [modality["batches"] for modality in self.modalities.values()] ref_batch = all_batches[0] for batches in all_batches: if not np.array_equal(batches, ref_batch): raise RuntimeError("Batches must match when using `shared_batches`!") du_n_batches = ref_batch.size else: du_n_batches = 0 du = sc.Discriminator( latent_dim, len(self.modalities), n_batches=du_n_batches, h_depth=h_depth, h_dim=h_dim, dropout=dropout ) prior = sc.Prior() super().__init__( g2v, v2g, x2u, u2x, idx, du, prior, u2c=None if all_ct.empty else sc.Classifier(latent_dim, all_ct.size) )
[docs] def freeze_cells(self) -> None: r""" Freeze cell embeddings """ self.trainer.freeze_u = True
[docs] def unfreeze_cells(self) -> None: r""" Unfreeze cell embeddings """ self.trainer.freeze_u = False
[docs] def adopt_pretrained_model( self, source: "SCGLUEModel", submodule: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: r""" Adopt buffers and parameters from a pretrained model Parameters ---------- source Source model to be adopted submodule Only adopt a specific submodule (e.g., ``"x2u"``) """ source, target =, if submodule: source = get_chained_attr(source, submodule) target = get_chained_attr(target, submodule) for k, t in chain(target.named_parameters(), target.named_buffers()): try: s = get_chained_attr(source, k) except AttributeError: self.logger.warning("Missing: %s", k) continue if isinstance(t, torch.nn.Parameter): t = if isinstance(s, torch.nn.Parameter): s = if s.shape != t.shape: self.logger.warning("Shape mismatch: %s", k) continue s =, dtype=t.dtype) t.copy_(s) self.logger.debug("Copied: %s", k)
[docs] def compile( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, lam_data: float = 1.0, lam_kl: float = 1.0, lam_graph: float = 0.02, lam_align: float = 0.05, lam_sup: float = 0.02, normalize_u: bool = False, modality_weight: Optional[Mapping[str, float]] = None, lr: float = 2e-3, **kwargs ) -> None: r""" Prepare model for training Parameters ---------- lam_data Data weight lam_kl KL weight lam_graph Graph weight lam_align Adversarial alignment weight lam_sup Cell type supervision weight normalize_u Whether to L2 normalize cell embeddings before decoder modality_weight Relative modality weight (indexed by modality name) lr Learning rate **kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to trainer """ if modality_weight is None: modality_weight = {k: 1.0 for k in} super().compile( lam_data=lam_data, lam_kl=lam_kl, lam_graph=lam_graph, lam_align=lam_align, lam_sup=lam_sup, normalize_u=normalize_u, modality_weight=modality_weight, optim="RMSprop", lr=lr, **kwargs )
[docs] def fit( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, adatas: Mapping[str, AnnData], graph: nx.Graph, neg_samples: int = 10, val_split: float = 0.1, data_batch_size: int = 128, graph_batch_size: int = AUTO, align_burnin: int = AUTO, safe_burnin: bool = True, max_epochs: int = AUTO, patience: Optional[int] = AUTO, reduce_lr_patience: Optional[int] = AUTO, wait_n_lrs: int = 1, directory: Optional[os.PathLike] = None ) -> None: r""" Fit model on given datasets Parameters ---------- adatas Datasets (indexed by modality name) graph Guidance graph neg_samples Number of negative samples for each edge val_split Validation split data_batch_size Number of cells in each data minibatch graph_batch_size Number of edges in each graph minibatch align_burnin Number of epochs to wait before starting alignment safe_burnin Whether to postpone learning rate scheduling and earlystopping until after the burnin stage max_epochs Maximal number of epochs patience Patience of early stopping reduce_lr_patience Patience to reduce learning rate wait_n_lrs Wait n learning rate scheduling events before starting early stopping directory Directory to store checkpoints and tensorboard logs """ data = AnnDataset( [adatas[key] for key in], [self.modalities[key] for key in], mode="train" ) check_graph( graph, adatas.values(), cov="ignore", attr="error", loop="warn", sym="warn" ) graph = GraphDataset( graph, self.vertices, neg_samples=neg_samples, weighted_sampling=True, deemphasize_loops=True ) batch_per_epoch = data.size * (1 - val_split) / data_batch_size if graph_batch_size == AUTO: graph_batch_size = ceil(graph.size / self.GRAPH_BATCHES)"Setting `graph_batch_size` = %d", graph_batch_size) if align_burnin == AUTO: align_burnin = max( ceil(self.ALIGN_BURNIN_PRG / / batch_per_epoch), ceil(self.ALIGN_BURNIN_PRG) )"Setting `align_burnin` = %d", align_burnin) if max_epochs == AUTO: max_epochs = max( ceil(self.MAX_EPOCHS_PRG / / batch_per_epoch), ceil(self.MAX_EPOCHS_PRG) )"Setting `max_epochs` = %d", max_epochs) if patience == AUTO: patience = max( ceil(self.PATIENCE_PRG / / batch_per_epoch), ceil(self.PATIENCE_PRG) )"Setting `patience` = %d", patience) if reduce_lr_patience == AUTO: reduce_lr_patience = max( ceil(self.REDUCE_LR_PATIENCE_PRG / / batch_per_epoch), ceil(self.REDUCE_LR_PATIENCE_PRG) )"Setting `reduce_lr_patience` = %d", reduce_lr_patience) if self.trainer.freeze_u:"Cell embeddings are frozen") super().fit( data, graph, val_split=val_split, data_batch_size=data_batch_size, graph_batch_size=graph_batch_size, align_burnin=align_burnin, safe_burnin=safe_burnin, max_epochs=max_epochs, patience=patience, reduce_lr_patience=reduce_lr_patience, wait_n_lrs=wait_n_lrs, random_seed=self.random_seed, directory=directory )
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def get_losses( # pylint: disable=arguments-differ self, adatas: Mapping[str, AnnData], graph: nx.Graph, neg_samples: int = 10, data_batch_size: int = 128, graph_batch_size: int = AUTO ) -> Mapping[str, np.ndarray]: r""" Compute loss function values Parameters ---------- adatas Datasets (indexed by modality name) graph Guidance graph neg_samples Number of negative samples for each edge data_batch_size Number of cells in each data minibatch graph_batch_size Number of edges in each graph minibatch Returns ------- losses Loss function values """ data = AnnDataset( [adatas[key] for key in], [self.modalities[key] for key in], mode="train" ) graph = GraphDataset( graph, self.vertices, neg_samples=neg_samples, weighted_sampling=True, deemphasize_loops=True ) if graph_batch_size == AUTO: graph_batch_size = ceil(graph.size / self.GRAPH_BATCHES)"Setting `graph_batch_size` = %d", graph_batch_size) return super().get_losses( data, graph, data_batch_size=data_batch_size, graph_batch_size=graph_batch_size, random_seed=self.random_seed )
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def encode_graph( self, graph: nx.Graph, n_sample: Optional[int] = None ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Compute graph (feature) embedding Parameters ---------- graph Input graph n_sample Number of samples from the embedding distribution, by default ``None``, returns the mean of the embedding distribution. Returns ------- graph_embedding Graph (feature) embedding with shape :math:`n_{feature} \times n_{dim}` if ``n_sample`` is ``None``, or shape :math:`n_{feature} \times n_{sample} \times n_{dim}` if ``n_sample`` is not ``None``. """ graph = GraphDataset(graph, self.vertices) enorm = torch.as_tensor( normalize_edges(graph.eidx, graph.ewt), ) esgn = torch.as_tensor(graph.esgn, eidx = torch.as_tensor(graph.eidx, v =, enorm, esgn) if n_sample: return[ v.sample((1, )).cpu() for _ in range(n_sample) ]).permute(1, 0, 2).numpy() return v.mean.detach().cpu().numpy()
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def encode_data( self, key: str, adata: AnnData, batch_size: int = 128, n_sample: Optional[int] = None ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Compute data (cell) embedding Parameters ---------- key Modality key adata Input dataset batch_size Size of minibatches n_sample Number of samples from the embedding distribution, by default ``None``, returns the mean of the embedding distribution. Returns ------- data_embedding Data (cell) embedding with shape :math:`n_{cell} \times n_{dim}` if ``n_sample`` is ``None``, or shape :math:`n_{cell} \times n_{sample} \times n_{dim}` if ``n_sample`` is not ``None``. """ encoder =[key] data = AnnDataset( [adata], [self.modalities[key]], mode="eval", getitem_size=batch_size ) data_loader = DataLoader( data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=config.DATALOADER_NUM_WORKERS, pin_memory=config.DATALOADER_PIN_MEMORY and not config.CPU_ONLY, drop_last=False, persistent_workers=False ) result = [] for x, xrep, *_ in data_loader: u = encoder(, non_blocking=True),, non_blocking=True), lazy_normalizer=True )[0] if n_sample: result.append(u.sample((n_sample, )).cpu().permute(1, 0, 2)) else: result.append(u.mean.detach().cpu()) return
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def decode_data( self, source_key: str, target_key: str, adata: AnnData, graph: nx.Graph, target_libsize: Optional[Union[float, np.ndarray]] = None, target_batch: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, batch_size: int = 128 ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Decode data Parameters ---------- source_key Source modality key target_key Target modality key adata Source modality data graph Guidance graph target_libsize Target modality library size, by default 1.0 target_batch Target modality batch, by default batch 0 batch_size Size of minibatches Returns ------- decoded Decoded data Note ---- This is EXPERIMENTAL! """ l = target_libsize or 1.0 if not isinstance(l, np.ndarray): l = np.asarray(l) l = l.squeeze() if l.ndim == 0: # Scalar l = l[np.newaxis] elif l.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("`target_libsize` cannot be >1 dimensional") if l.size == 1: l = np.repeat(l, adata.shape[0]) if l.size != adata.shape[0]: raise ValueError("`target_libsize` must have the same size as `adata`!") l = l.reshape((-1, 1)) use_batch = self.modalities[target_key]["use_batch"] batches = self.modalities[target_key]["batches"] if use_batch and target_batch is not None: target_batch = np.asarray(target_batch) if target_batch.size != adata.shape[0]: raise ValueError("`target_batch` must have the same size as `adata`!") b = batches.get_indexer(target_batch) else: b = np.zeros(adata.shape[0], dtype=int) net = device = net.device net.eval() u = self.encode_data(source_key, adata, batch_size=batch_size) v = self.encode_graph(graph) v = torch.as_tensor(v, device=device) v = v[getattr(net, f"{target_key}_idx")] data = ArrayDataset(u, b, l, getitem_size=batch_size) data_loader = DataLoader( data, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, num_workers=config.DATALOADER_NUM_WORKERS, pin_memory=config.DATALOADER_PIN_MEMORY and not config.CPU_ONLY, drop_last=False, persistent_workers=False ) decoder = net.u2x[target_key] result = [] for u_, b_, l_ in data_loader: u_ =, non_blocking=True) b_ =, non_blocking=True) l_ =, non_blocking=True) result.append(decoder(u_, v, b_, l_).mean.detach().cpu()) return
[docs] def upgrade(self) -> None: if hasattr(self, "domains"): self.logger.warning("Upgrading model generated by older versions...") self.modalities = getattr(self, "domains") delattr(self, "domains")
def __repr__(self) -> str: return ( f"SCGLUE model with the following network and trainer:\n\n" f"{repr(}\n\n" f"{repr(self.trainer)}\n" )
[docs]@logged class PairedSCGLUEModel(SCGLUEModel): r""" GLUE model for partially-paired single-cell multi-omics data integration Parameters ---------- adatas Datasets (indexed by modality name) vertices Guidance graph vertices (must cover feature names in all modalities) latent_dim Latent dimensionality h_depth Hidden layer depth for encoder and discriminator h_dim Hidden layer dimensionality for encoder and discriminator dropout Dropout rate shared_batches Whether the same batches are shared across modalities random_seed Random seed """ TRAINER_TYPE = PairedSCGLUETrainer
[docs] def compile( # pylint: disable=arguments-renamed self, lam_data: float = 1.0, lam_kl: float = 1.0, lam_graph: float = 0.02, lam_align: float = 0.05, lam_sup: float = 0.02, lam_joint_cross: float = 0.02, lam_real_cross: float = 0.02, lam_cos: float = 0.02, normalize_u: bool = False, modality_weight: Optional[Mapping[str, float]] = None, lr: float = 2e-3, **kwargs ) -> None: r""" Prepare model for training Parameters ---------- lam_data Data weight lam_kl KL weight lam_graph Graph weight lam_align Adversarial alignment weight lam_sup Cell type supervision weight lam_joint_cross Joint cross-prediction weight lam_real_cross Real cross-prediction weight lam_cos Cosine similarity weight normalize_u Whether to L2 normalize cell embeddings before decoder modality_weight Relative modality weight (indexed by modality name) lr Learning rate """ super().compile( lam_data=lam_data, lam_kl=lam_kl, lam_graph=lam_graph, lam_align=lam_align, lam_sup=lam_sup, lam_joint_cross=lam_joint_cross, lam_real_cross=lam_real_cross, lam_cos=lam_cos, normalize_u=normalize_u, modality_weight=modality_weight, lr=lr, **kwargs )