scglue.num 源代码

Numeric operations

from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Optional

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse

from .typehint import Array

EPS = 1e-7

#------------------------------ Numeric functions ------------------------------

[文档]def prod(x: Iterable) -> Any: r""" Product of elements Parameters ---------- x Input elements Returns ------- prod Product Note ---- For compatibility with Python<=3.7 """ try: from math import prod # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name return prod(x) except ImportError: ans = 1 for item in x: ans = ans * item return ans
[文档]def sigmoid(x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: r""" The sigmoid function in numpy Parameters ---------- x Input Returns ------- s Sigmoid(x) """ return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
#------------------------------ Arrays & Matrices ------------------------------
[文档]def densify(arr: Array) -> np.ndarray: r""" Convert a matrix to dense regardless of original type. Parameters ---------- arr Input array (either sparse or dense) Returns ------- densified Densified array """ if scipy.sparse.issparse(arr): return arr.toarray() if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray): return arr return np.asarray(arr)
[文档]def col_var( X: Array, Y: Optional[Array] = None, bias: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Column-wise variance (sparse friendly) Parameters ---------- X First design matrix Y Second design matrix (optional) bias Whether to return unbiased or biased covariance estimation Returns ------- col_var Column-wise variance, if only X is given. Column-wise covariance, if both X and Y are given. """ Y = X if Y is None else Y if X.shape != Y.shape: raise ValueError("X and Y should have the same shape!") bias_scaling = 1 if bias else X.shape[0] / (X.shape[0] - 1) if scipy.sparse.issparse(X) or scipy.sparse.issparse(Y): if not scipy.sparse.issparse(X): X, Y = Y, X # does not affect trace return ( np.asarray((X.multiply(Y)).mean(axis=0)) - np.asarray(X.mean(axis=0)) * np.asarray(Y.mean(axis=0)) ).ravel() * bias_scaling return ( (X * Y).mean(axis=0) - X.mean(axis=0) * Y.mean(axis=0) ) * bias_scaling
[文档]def col_pcc(X: Array, Y: Array) -> np.ndarray: r""" Column-wise Pearson's correlation coefficient (sparse friendly) Parameters ---------- X First design matrix Y Second design matrix Returns ------- pcc Column-wise Pearson's correlation coefficients """ return col_var(X, Y) / np.sqrt(col_var(X) * col_var(Y))
[文档]def col_spr(X: Array, Y: Array) -> np.ndarray: r""" Column-wise Spearman's rank correlation Parameters ---------- X First design matrix Y Second design matrix Returns ------- spr Column-wise Spearman's rank correlations """ X = densify(X) X = np.array([ scipy.stats.rankdata(X[:, i]) for i in range(X.shape[1]) ]).T Y = densify(Y) Y = np.array([ scipy.stats.rankdata(Y[:, i]) for i in range(Y.shape[1]) ]).T return col_pcc(X, Y)
[文档]def cov_mat( X: Array, Y: Optional[Array] = None, bias: bool = False ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Covariance matrix (sparse friendly) Parameters ---------- X First design matrix Y Second design matrix (optional) bias Whether to return unbiased or biased covariance estimation Returns ------- cov Covariance matrix, if only X is given. Cross-covariance matrix, if both X and Y are given. """ X_mean = X.mean(axis=0) if scipy.sparse.issparse(X) \ else X.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) if Y is None: Y, Y_mean = X, X_mean else: if X.shape[0] != Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError("X and Y should have the same number of rows!") Y_mean = Y.mean(axis=0) if scipy.sparse.issparse(Y) \ else Y.mean(axis=0, keepdims=True) bias_scaling = 1 if bias else X.shape[0] / (X.shape[0] - 1) return np.asarray((X.T @ Y) / X.shape[0] - X_mean.T @ Y_mean) * bias_scaling
[文档]def pcc_mat( X: Array, Y: Optional[Array] = None ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Pearson's correlation coefficient (sparse friendly) Parameters ---------- X First design matrix Y Second design matrix (optional) Returns ------- pcc Pearson's correlation matrix among columns of X, if only X is given. Pearson's correlation matrix between columns of X and columns of Y, if both X and Y are given. """ X = X.astype(np.float64) Y = Y if Y is None else Y.astype(np.float64) X_std = np.sqrt(col_var(X))[np.newaxis, :] Y_std = X_std if Y is None else np.sqrt(col_var(Y))[np.newaxis, :] pcc = cov_mat(X, Y) / X_std.T / Y_std if Y is None: assert (pcc - pcc.T).max() < EPS pcc = (pcc + pcc.T) / 2 # Remove small floating point errors assert np.abs(np.diag(pcc) - 1).max() < EPS np.fill_diagonal(pcc, 1) # Remove small floating point errors overshoot_mask = pcc > 1 if np.any(overshoot_mask): assert (pcc[overshoot_mask] - 1).max() < EPS pcc[overshoot_mask] = 1 # Remove small floating point errors return pcc
[文档]def spr_mat( X: Array, Y: Optional[Array] = None ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Spearman's rank correlation Parameters ---------- X First design matrix Y Second design matrix (optional) Returns ------- spr Spearman's correlation matrix among columns of X, if only X is given. Spearman's correlation matrix between columns of X and columns of Y, if both X and Y are given. """ X = densify(X) X = np.array([ scipy.stats.rankdata(X[:, i]) for i in range(X.shape[1]) ]).T if Y is not None: Y = densify(Y) Y = np.array([ scipy.stats.rankdata(Y[:, i]) for i in range(Y.shape[1]) ]).T return pcc_mat(X, Y)
[文档]def tfidf(X: Array) -> Array: r""" TF-IDF normalization (following the Seurat v3 approach) Parameters ---------- X Input matrix Returns ------- X_tfidf TF-IDF normalized matrix """ idf = X.shape[0] / X.sum(axis=0) if scipy.sparse.issparse(X): tf = X.multiply(1 / X.sum(axis=1)) return tf.multiply(idf) else: tf = X / X.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True) return tf * idf
[文档]def prob_or(probs: List[float]) -> float: r""" Combined multiple probabilities in a logical OR manner. Parameters ---------- probs Array of probabilities Returns ------- prob Combined probability """ return 1 - (1 - np.asarray(probs)).prod()
[文档]def vertex_degrees( eidx: np.ndarray, ewt: np.ndarray, vnum: Optional[int] = None, direction: str = "both" ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Compute vertex degrees Parameters ---------- eidx Vertex indices of edges (:math:`2 \times n_{edges}`) ewt Weight of edges (:math:`n_{edges}`) vnum Total number of vertices (determined by max edge index if not specified) direction Direction of vertex degree, should be one of {"in", "out", "both"} Returns ------- degrees Vertex degrees """ vnum = vnum or eidx.max() + 1 adj = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix((ewt, (eidx[0], eidx[1])), shape=(vnum, vnum)) if direction == "in": return adj.sum(axis=0).A1 elif direction == "out": return adj.sum(axis=1).A1 elif direction == "both": return adj.sum(axis=0).A1 + adj.sum(axis=1).A1 - adj.diagonal() raise ValueError("Unrecognized direction!")
[文档]def normalize_edges( eidx: np.ndarray, ewt: np.ndarray, method: str = "keepvar" ) -> np.ndarray: r""" Normalize graph edge weights Parameters ---------- eidx Vertex indices of edges (:math:`2 \times n_{edges}`) ewt Weight of edges (:math:`n_{edges}`) method Normalization method, should be one of {"in", "out", "sym", "keepvar"} Returns ------- enorm Normalized weight of edges (:math:`n_{edges}`) """ if method not in ("in", "out", "sym", "keepvar"): raise ValueError("Unrecognized method!") enorm = ewt if method in ("in", "keepvar", "sym"): in_degrees = vertex_degrees(eidx, ewt, direction="in") in_normalizer = np.power( in_degrees[eidx[1]], -1 if method == "in" else -0.5 ) in_normalizer[~np.isfinite(in_normalizer)] = 0 # In case there are unconnected vertices enorm = enorm * in_normalizer if method in ("out", "sym"): out_degrees = vertex_degrees(eidx, ewt, direction="out") out_normalizer = np.power( out_degrees[eidx[0]], -1 if method == "out" else -0.5 ) out_normalizer[~np.isfinite(out_normalizer)] = 0 # In case there are unconnected vertices enorm = enorm * out_normalizer return enorm
[文档]def all_counts(x: Array) -> bool: r""" Check whether an array contains all counts Parameters ---------- x Array to check Returns ------- is_counts Whether the array contains all counts """ if scipy.sparse.issparse(x): x = x.tocsr().data if x.min() < 0: return False return np.allclose(x, x.astype(int))